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Everything posted by Jax

  1. Yeah, they're all dipshits lol
  2. In other words you were getting brainwashed again. Terrorists attacks are justified right?
  3. Is that what you think? You think Iran could stop Israel?? Still, you contradicted yourself and you had an even worse cover up. Israel would beat Iran. However, if you want to talk force projection, whatever that really is, then why can Iran interfere and US can't?
  4. You sound like Woody now putting words into peoples mouths. No one cares what side you're on, we're just debating.
  5. Little warped there I think, you have one violent group attacking a defending state that has all rights to it's land. And you contradicted yourself, badly. If you want them to keep it a local conflict then the US should be allowing them to defend themselves. Otherwise as you request, they wouldn't be keeping it a local conflict.
  6. If only guns were banned in the United States, terrorists wouldn't be able to shoot anyone!
  7. https://nypost.com/2023/10/10/israeli-woman-25-hailed-as-hero-for-killing-terrorists-leading-security-team-at-kibbutz/ The Hamas was no match for an intrepid 25-year-old Israeli woman — who saved an entire kibbutz from harm by leading a group of residents to kill more than two dozen advancing terrorists, including five she slaughtered herself. Inbar Lieberman, the security coordinator of Kibbutz Nir Am since December 2022, heard explosions early Saturday, when the terrorists launched their unprecedented attack on the Jewish state, according to Walla News. She realized that the sounds were different than those heard during the usual rocket attacks on the kibbutz — located near Sderot and a stone’s throw from the Gaza Strip. So Lieberman rushed to open the armory, distributed guns to the 12-member security team and coordinated their decisive response amid the unfolding attack. She placed her squad of kibbutzniks in strategic positions across the settlement and set up ambushes that caught the gunmen off guard and turned the tables on them during their mission to inflict mass casualties.
  8. Actually, what we have are reports from soldiers of what they witnessed. They mentioned the babies being decapitated and such. Just because Biden lied, as he lies about everything, doesn't mean the story is false. Hamas refutes the claim however, I guess that's proof enough for some as they'd rather believe terrorists. These baby deaths and abductions are from raids, not the bombing. It's almost a desperate attempt to discredit the decapitations or baby deaths in general to soften the view on terrorists.
  9. Maybe you don't have half a brain like you think you do.
  10. Let's use proper context Vapor. There is a huge difference between collateral damage and a terrorist personally walking up and murdering a baby in the flesh. Yes it still leaves dead babies and we don't like that, but still, it's a gigantic difference.
  11. You guys aren't wrong about the senseless killing but unfortunately, it's war. Israel deemed it critical to defend itself in such a manner and whether we like it or not it's them that has to determine that it's time to act. No different than us going to war over 9/11, even if you weren't born yet I think you if have half a brain, you know the need to act and defend yourself. To complicate matters, hamas hides with the populace, they could blend right in with people that are trying to get humanitarian aid, that's the trouble with dealing with terrorists. It sucks but you defend yourself and your own people. If you are the weaker of the 2 then maybe you shouldn't commit atrocities and deal with terrorists.
  12. There is still evidence of baby murders, and enough other atrocities that it doesn't matter.
  13. Unfortunately, that's your wrong opinion. Word games as usual.
  14. That line is worn out and it's a reliable source and as I've stated before, not my only source. But by all means keep bringing it up because it just shows how desperate you are that you can't debate because of all the propaganda you watch is a bunch of horse shit that you can't back up. Being 9 is no excuse, you're an adult now, mostly. I wasn't born for the revolutionary war, civil war or WWII but I have my opinions. I guess it was ok for hamas to attack innocent civilians indiscriminately with 5000 rockets in your eyes. Why did your propaganda sources tell you that was a good thing? Just curious.
  15. Indiscriminate bombing is what hamas did with 5000 rockets. Did you protest the United States when we did the same thing after 9/11? Or do you have something against Israel because of all the propaganda you watch?
  16. It must be that new thing called online shopping...rofl
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