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Everything posted by Jax

  1. I never said to ban cars, I showed you the difference. Can you stay in context? One is a right the other a privilege, one the gov't can regulate and the other they can't. When a gun control nut starts whining about a gun shooting but ignores all other deaths, I know they're just ignorant and lack iq.
  2. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/06/rapper-kodak-blacks-lawyer-slams-dojs-prison-free/ -"The same DOJ sent rappers Lil Wayne and Kodak Black to prison for years on gun charges. Both rappers were granted a pardon by President Donald Trump."
  3. hat amendment along with the constitution and spirit that lies within is what made our nation great. You don't just gloss over our constitutional amendments because you think you know better than everyone else. You have no clue what this nation was founded on or it's principles. Well, now you know. It doesn't make our country safer, are you ever going to catch on? Also, how's all the regulations on cars working out? People still dying I see. When are you gun control nuts going to learn the constitution?
  4. Loved our football/baseball radio announcers Tom/Jim Jimmy/Doug, the best there is. It really sucked to hear Doug retiring
  5. They don't interview the guy, they harass him in a hostile interrogation.
  6. Driving is a privilege. Right to bear arms shall not be infringed is a right. See the difference? You don't care about the deaths of anyone, just as long as you feel good taking away the rights of others. You could solve all the car related deaths and injuries but since you personally find use in cars, the deaths don't matter.
  7. Sorry, I didn't think whining deserved much more of a response. Even Hillary was laughing...
  8. We already have reasonable gun control, if you want to call it that, but anymore gun control would become unreasonable.
  9. “We have staked the whole future of our new nation, not upon the power of government; far from it. We have staked the future of all our political constitutions upon the capacity of each of ourselves to govern ourselves according to the moral principles of the Ten Commandments.”– James Madison
  10. That's not entirely accurate, I wouldn't believe anyone trying to convince me that you're intelligent.
  11. Yeah I find it fascinating that some atheist care what we believe or don't believe and how we believe. But, I do love miserable people lol.
  12. I'm pretty sure murder is in the commandments, you tell me who's twisting what. It's also in the Bible that it's not our job to judge others. You make childish accusations about who reads what without even knowing. I actually read about a third of the Bible, however, I didn't realize reading the Bible was a requirement to practice being a good Christian. I also don't attend church every weekend though I'm always trying to get my kids to go with me. Actually, I don't even manage to go more than once a year. Doesn't matter though as your opinion means zero to me. I live a better Christian life than most people who do attend mass every week. I honestly don't even know the difference between testaments but there's so much in the Bible, I can cherry pick all day long if I see fit. Why not after all, it seems you like to cherry pick from it.
  13. There are a lot of extreme views with whackos in every group, I don't defend the whackos, but I will defend my religion when it's taken out of context or judged by what some whackos do.
  14. Trump isn't in charge of prosecuting Hillary no different than Biden isn't in charge of prosecuting Trump. That's such a lame deflection. If Trump did go after Hillary everyone would have wet their pants. You're not the only one that votes from the middle. Things were really great under Trump especially compared to now. Please inform us how Trump is a crook. Taxes? That's how real estate works. He was fixing a lot of things, or at least taking steps in the right direction. If none of them are supposed to have those documents, then they all need to be punished the same. Trump is the only one they are going after. Not only that, but the Putin connection you keep referring to was all debunked. You can't make light of conspiracies if you believe in one that was easily debunked. You talk about Trumps unfiltered mouth but I'd like to see how others would handle being constantly bombarded with hate by the left. Biden is always up there yelling and screaming. Trump still gathered around 70 million votes, more than Obama received. I don't think the problem was with Trumps mouth, I think the problem is this country has become more toxic. I like De Santis, but he is still part of the same old political system. Trump wasn't some type of savior by any means, and wasn't perfect but things were good under him. It's not his fault the unhinged loonies came after him. Who knows, maybe by this time in his second term we would have come to see him as useless, but I couldn't imagine it would be Biden bad. He's no ones messiah or leading some cult, it's the whacked out loonies coming out of the wood work that we just defend him against because we like a number of things he was doing more so than past and present Presidents.
  15. No one baited you stop being dramatic. You posted because you had to say something stupid.
  16. What are his plans for inflation and the illegal invasion?
  17. 1. No one cares about gays, most people have gay friends. No one certainly wants to kill them. Bible verse please? 2. Bible taken out of context by feminist and atheist. 3. I believe that's a lefties ideology. And they say no one is attacking Catholicism, CCPP can't even hold back.
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