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Everything posted by Jax

  1. Jax


    Why are the libs the only one fixated on repenting and end of times here? They are trying so hard to instigate people here who just wanted to talk about something cool.
  2. Jax


    There what is? Someone who belongs in a mental ward did something nutty and horrendous?
  3. Jax


    What sticks out is your big statement about 50 years of sexual harassment. Still no proof. He won the Presidency during the time this clip came out, I fail to see your point. You're worried about him saying stupid things to alienate certain voting blocks? Seemed like you were more worried about him and his misconducts though? Tell me now, what was better; 4 years of Trump or 4 years of Biden??
  4. Jax


    So what you got so far is a guy talking like a guy? It's true too, bimbos throw themselves at celebrities all the time. Where's all your proof to back up your statement of 50 years of sexual 'misconducts' as you call it? Should be a mountain of material you can dig up for 50 years worth right?
  5. Jax


    Well he did a great job last time, so I guess so!!
  6. Right, the problem is allowing immigration. The problem isn't the US going around making enemies. We're already their enemy just being who we are. Same with UK, they go into countries to take over for their religion, not because we destabilized their country.
  7. Jax


    He's about to be President again, it's ok.
  8. Maybe if we didn't have liberal policies that allowed such people to even visit let alone live here, then we wouldn't be so bad off.
  9. What did the UK do? They have a massive problem as well. And Germany?
  10. 🤣🤣🤣
  11. Jax


    The silliness here is you just don't understand. Under Trump, whether you give him credit or not, things were great. Under Biden everything shot up in prices, war started all over the world, USA is being invaded. But by all means, pretend Trump isn't better especially when you consider all the fear mongering that never happened is being regurgitated again this time around. You guys couldn't be dumber if you practiced.
  12. Jax


    I couldn't read all that silliness. Everyone brings up Mexico paying for the wall, who gives a fuck who pays for it as long as it gets built. At least the man got it rolling unlike the twit in office now. Astounds me how everyone loves paying more for everything because of tds too.
  13. How does anyone believe anything this absurd? lol this is why you can't trust these news agencies.
  14. We like to stick with the actual truth so we don't vote the same incompetent leader in that's destroying our country. You can play games if you'd like, but the rest of us don't like what's going on.
  15. Jax


    I don't think we ever wrestled them. I think Beaver and Louisville are the toughest my son wrestles against. He agreed with you though.
  16. Jax


    Posting because my son is still in high school wrestling. I warn him though, while it's great one on one, it won't work so great against more then one. Though I've managed 2 on one wrestling/fighting a few times. Back when you didn't kick each other in the face once you were down of course. Well ok, unless you were outnumbered 12 to 3 and they were beating the crap out of your friend who was already down, then it was ok to run up and punt someones head.
  17. Jax


    Sounds like fun, good luck up there. My son is going somewhere with his friends to check it out. I head into work at 3 but I'll be able to check it out if I want. I'm just going to warn my son of traffic jams. I hate traffic jams.
  18. An airport and a prison, sweet. Why don't you dumbasses come out of the closet and admit you love the Trumpster.
  19. Problem is, when republicans get in, why would they give up that power?
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