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Everything posted by Jax

  1. DeWine chickening out a little, if the sports world made the right decision to ban men in womens sports then he wouldn't need to step in.
  2. You'll listen to anything the lefties tell you huh dumbo? Did they also blame inflation on climate change?
  3. Oh crap, facts! CCC is going to need that safe space sooner than I thought.
  4. Can someone tell me who the victim is here and why the bank Trump borrowed from said everything is fine? The brainwashed don't know a political assassination even if it's spelled out for them.
  5. It's amazing, the brain washed really do just repeat lies they hear.
  6. Is there a safe space for ccc?
  7. Jax


    Identifies as 13 year old girl, I think I'll identify as a retired gov't worker and collect my retirement now.
  8. How can someone who can't make a sentence and is on vacation 90% of the time do so much damage?
  9. If you do it flat out makes you a liar and discredits anything you ever type. Not that what you type has much credit anyways. So what exactly is going to be a soft landing?? This high inflation Biden created? So someone had to work at lessening the damage he and his administration did? Hey brain washed, it didn't come free for the American people.
  10. I'm 100% against the legalization, but if it is going to be legal then I absolutely think being able to grow your own few plants is how it should be.
  11. You are dumb. Don't quote me and say I said recession.
  12. Quote me on when I stated anything about a recession. "I know how you feel. I'm just going by the numbers. You also felt there was going to be a terrible recession. Your feelings don't mean much. Hey hopefully you guys can shut down the government, that may cool down the economy. Maybe... "
  13. Damn dude, even Biden stopped talking about Bidenomics cause it's horseshit.
  14. How come they call for a cease fire over innocent civilians being killed in Gaza and yet when Palestinian rioters go after innocent Jews living in America, it's accepted?? These people should have been tear gassed, dispersed and the one with the bullhorn should be arrested and charged for inciting.
  15. I don't think anyone cares about Santos other than we lost our majority, which also means no impeaching Biden.
  16. We need to pour everything into securing our border and deporting every last illegal.
  17. So many lies, takes a special kind of person to step outside and can't even notice for himself that gas is still the highest it's been.
  18. Jax


    From 1965, these are words from a time when what he was saying seemed shocking and too far out there to be true. Yet to us, it sounds more like what happened yesterday, something we heard in the news 10 times over. Metal detectors in schools? This guys just trying to scare us.
  19. Remember when Fauci ordered that you couldn't have more than 10 people in your home?? The science stated that at 11 people Covid would spread apparently.🤣
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