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Everything posted by Jax

  1. Democrats don't care about democracy, they want to dictate who the people are allowed to vote for.
  2. Jax


    Why must they buy up farmland instead of finding abandoned industrial sites? And a thousand acres is needed to employ 500 people? I thought we had land designated as residential, farming, commercial or industrial. If you buy farming land, it should be used to farm, especially if it's still prime farming land.
  3. 1,652 military personnel died in Afghanistan during Obama’s presidency. 564 military personnel died in Iraq during Obama’s presidency.
  4. You don't have to keep trying so hard, we already know you're the stupidest one here. By all means though, keep proving it by posting.
  5. Jax


    I didn't realize Braylon had such a good season.
  6. Jax


    Looking pretty good I see.
  7. Anyone who spews white supremacy nonsense is about the most gullible, dumbest and hate filled people you will ever know.
  8. Oh, ccc is a white supremacy believer. Where do these idiots come from?
  9. Jax


    Of course it's selective, just like our corrupt justice system these days. If it has anything to do with Trump you better believe they lie, exaggerate and trample on the constitution.
  10. I'll buy a whole wardrobe of pants for Rudy. He cleaned up New York while he was mayor, now look at the place now that the liberals took over.
  11. Jax


    https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/12/sick-democrat-senate-staffer-caught-having-graphic-sex/ A Democratic Senator deserves to be in some serious hot water after one of his staffers was caught engaging in a highly inappropriate and explicit act in the halls of Congress. The Spectator broke an explosive story Friday that a young male staffer for Maryland Senator Ben Cardin engaged in multiple graphic sex acts with his older boyfriend in the Hart Senate Office Building.
  12. You believe the gov't lies on climate change and white supremacy, who's the joke?
  13. You're not wrong, but it is fun poking fun of him.
  14. Hell not only that, your dumb ass just stated inflation is because of the world economy. So which is it? No inflation all of the sudden or high inflation is the whole worlds fault? Lol, you honestly don't care how blatantly dishonest you are. You probably are worth blocking because you just troll.
  15. Are you blind or just live in your moms basement? You don't notice grocery bills are double? You don't notice interest rates? What a brainwashed schmuck.
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