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Everything posted by Jax

  1. One does not have to be a man of God or even remotely a fully practiced Christian to live like one.
  2. I agree, I liken it to a time of crisis as during the pandemic when people were buying up all the supplies like antibacterial soap to later sell at a profit. Or how companies or the rich are buying up farm land to use for something other than farming. I'm looking into buying some properties to flip/rent but it's not the same. First off someone has to go in and make a property livable again or able to sell, secondly renting usually lowers the actual monthly payments making it affordable rather than buying outright.
  3. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/01/social-media-case-reinvigorates-debate-internet-fairness/ As Justice Hugo Black wrote in Marsh about the company town: Ownership does not always mean absolute dominion. The more an owner, for his advantage, opens up his property for use by the public in general, the more do his rights become circumscribed by the statutory and constitutional rights of those who use it. Thus, the owners of privately held bridges, ferries, turnpikes and railroads may not operate them as freely as a farmer does his farm … When we balance the Constitutional rights of owners of property against those of the people to enjoy freedom of press and religion, as we must here, we remain mindful of the fact that the latter occupy a preferred position. It is one thing to uphold the right of the sites to limit spam advertisements (as the courts have previously and properly done). It is quite a different thing to allow these same sites that have grown larger and larger, more and more dominant, more and more central to political speech to block the most important political news and opinion debates of each election season. In the sovereign opinion of the people of Texas, a balance point has been passed. Whether it is news of the Biden laptop; COVID policy debates; prior restraint on speech from specific political figures – all of this speech which would clearly have been legal in Central Park or any other public forum, the voters want to hear all political views neutrally. Just as they require privately-owned phone companies to carry all political views equally or require privately-owned trains to carry passengers of all political views equally. The Texas law carefully leaves full rights for the sites to block any speech that is violent or illegal and seeks no monetary damages, just improved access. The law should be upheld.
  4. Do these people that have a Trump fetish actually have anything of value to add? They randomly post biased links and pics then say a bunch of silly things. If Jan 6th was half of what you say it was, why isn't Trump already in prison? With all these lawsuits you pointed out, why isn't he in jail?
  5. I assume all set up to extract a cash grab, and maybe buy some votes as a bonus.
  6. Why do you talk like an asshole and pretend to know what anyone thinks? Charges were dropped again I see, lmk when you actually have something. Until then enjoy watching your cult burn. If Trump is guilty of any of that, then of course he deserves to burn with the rest of them, and I hope they all burn. You're the only asshole defending your cult by distracting to one person that you have a fetish for.
  7. So far he's been cleared by witness testimony. You want to keep defending your cult by deflecting to Trump? Sad you want to block out your own cult.
  8. Yes, I've done some crazy things with machines of all kinds. One shop I used to work at had a worker killed by a high pressure line breaking and cutting his body in half.
  9. Flacco to Moore was looking pretty good too.
  10. Yes sir, but we all know that's the true nature of politics.
  11. I love the idea of ev vehicles, I'm sure we all do, we're just not ready to replace gas vehicles. Not even close. The idea of gov't mandating and sticking it's greedy little hands into it makes it even worse. CEOs like Barra who hype it up and talk out their ass is another problem. It's marketing garbage, all they care about is profits and shareholders, not advancing society or the climate. They need to keep researching and advancing.
  12. Cal, running CNC is probably easier than what you've done. I've operated a wire edm machine in mid 90s that took G code like a cnc machine, very easy.(and fun)
  13. It doesn't stop, this is our major crisis, worse than Ukraine and Oct 7th. We can't even help our own homeless and drug addicted population, yet we allow an invasion of illegals to suck all our resources away and change the American landscape. It's not even safe to be patriotic these days, and it's only going to get worse.
  14. Maybe then these dumb liberals will understand the reality of the world.
  15. Jax


    Hahaha, usually I know where conversations are headed, he caught me off guard.
  16. Jax


    "When we get ready to take the United States, we will not take it under the labels of Communism we will not take it under the label of Socialism. These labels are unpleasant to the American people, and have been speared too much. We will take the United States under labels we have made very lovable; we will take it under Liberalism, under Progressivism, under Democracy. But take it we will.” ---Alexander Trachtenberg at the National Convention of Communist Parties, Madison Square Garden, 1944.
  17. Destroying America. DEI is nothing but straight systemic racism. Climate change is nothing but a money grab, with power and control mixed in.
  18. Why do we allow people in our country that cheer for attacks on our military? Clearly they are not Americans and not assimilated into our country.
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