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Everything posted by Jax

  1. This is inline with their history and beliefs though. This isn't a one off chance encounter with a random stubborn person. Actually a lot of people do have this sentiment these days. When a politician you voted for does something really bad, a lot of people say exactly that, you get what you vote for. To give another example why: It's like the expression that a toddler doesn't know that biting you hurts until you bite him. Same premise, most people won't believe what they see until it bites them in the ass. I'm not entirely sure how this fits in with gaza though. Terrorist don't care, they just go live a heroes life after death. We can't easily comprehend their logic, no pun intended, we have a vastly different mindset. Worse than men trying to figure out women.
  2. I guess that'll be one of the 1st executive orders he signs - dumbass cult
  3. Is that what Al Gore told you?
  4. Where was the proof he forced anything? Stupid comparison as always btw, but I understand, nothing you ever argue can stand on it's own merits.
  5. Out of context, you keep calling him a rapist when he has not been convicted of being a rapist.
  6. Jax


    🤣 Wasn't someone concerned about fearmongering not long ago? Hmmm...who was that?
  7. But I thought all the best teachers were leaving because they didn't make enough.
  8. Whines about white supremacy and systemic racism that 'still' affects blacks today, but gloats how well the little white engineer does all the while pretends that the mlb movement and crying has nothing to do with just wanting free stuff and be given a free ride just because he doesn't need anything. - dumbass cult
  9. Interesting. A lot of this seems like they are trying to get back to the gains Trump made. I think it's a mix of trying to save Biden's election and things that go on behind the scenes that are classified. Seems they are trying to limit China's reach, but if I can see that then I guess they're not doing a good job at being secretive, idk. Anyways, seems there are reasons we're working with Saudi, let's see a post about Kushner again. It may be ok for the lefties now that Bidens involved. The main reason for the deal at this time is elections. Gotta solve that conflict for votes. 'The Biden administration and Saudi Arabia are finalizing an agreement for U.S. security guarantees and civilian nuclear assistance, even as an Israel-Saudi normalization deal envisioned as part of a Middle East “grand bargain” remains elusive, according to seven people familiar with the matter. Senator Edward Markey, a longtime advocate for nuclear nonproliferation safeguards, said in a letter to fellow Democrat Biden on Wednesday that Saudi Arabia, "a nation with a terrible human rights record," cannot be trusted to use its nuclear program purely for peaceful purposes and will seek to develop nuclear weapons.' They already know how this will turn out...
  10. Bungling idiots - dumbass cult
  11. Who would know more about the suffering of black people and what they need than this white engineer?
  12. Whatever fits their narrative and gets them free stuff.( Biden whisper: they don't care about racism) Woody is ignorant and immature yet.
  13. Only they're getting arrested for trespassing and have been given plenty of chances to leave. Dumbass cult
  14. I don't think he realizes that Trump was never convicted for rape.
  15. Peaceful protests, ignore the book on terrorism and all the other tools and weapons.
  16. Sorry Cal, we only care about the families of the terrorists especially since they were oppressed and hell Israel aren't exactly angels. Plus hamas said so.
  17. Everything well said, but I also believe that not only is this a lame excuse used to pander to a certain race but the entire concept is against progress. We should be working our way to unite to where what color doesn't matter, just qualifications and character. Always the focus is on race and skin color.
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