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Everything posted by Jax

  1. So for some reason they don't want Europeans to have energy supplies. Everyone knows climate change is bullshit, especially the ones that made it up, our gov't, so they too shut off Europe's supply for a different reason.
  2. Selective memory or he pretends not to see the hundreds of illegal aliens posts.
  3. You never know right? Everyone seen this coming before Biden was even elected, they had plenty of time to prepare before it even started.
  4. The true definition of a cult, Woody nails it. What a brainless tool.
  5. We'll go with that until you find out he's the President again.
  6. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/01/women-children-win-ohio-bans-sex-changes-minors/ Doctors can no longer mutilate minors in Ohio, and female sports are now protected there thanks to courageous Republicans defying their RINO governor Wednesday. As CBS News reported, the State Senate voted to override Governor Mike DeWine’s veto of House Bill 68, a common-sense measure that sought to prohibit gender-affirming care for minors and to restrict transgender athletes’ participation in girls’ and women’s sports.
  7. Did I miss something? How was Michigan not suspended after they were caught cheating? Oh...money
  8. Woody, in all seriousness, you are a complete tool. The majority of people in this country don't care whether a person is black or female or gay or anything else. I'm sorry you live in a world where you're dumb enough to believe all the bullshit that's out there. The only people that care the most about this are the people that influence your immature naive mind. Not only that, but you constantly try to cram this useless and false narrative down peoples throat on this board when I haven't seen in any imagination any person act in such a way that describes what you say in the least. You literally put words in peoples mouths just to get it to fit your bullshit. And whatever you say man. White straight male tries to get into power you don't like - "He's a racist - bigot- white supremacy - systemic racism - the system is rigged" The brainwashing garbage you're hyped on are very clear...
  9. But for as serious as that was, in holding Americans hostage and abusing them with no due process, why isn't Trump in jail over it??
  10. I'm sure you think you're saying something, but you really aren't.
  11. But wait, Trump lead a brutal assault against our democracy and lead an insurrection into our nations sacred capitol and tried to hang Pence and Nancy. I don't know why he's still not in jail because it's so obvious with all the evidence they have against him trying to stop the election process. It's disheartening they can't arrest him but at least they're listening to some bat shit crazy woman about rape that happened in public 30 years ago, or I mean 20 years ago, ahh hell it's not important as long as they nail him even if it is all made up by a bunch of corrupt crooks. Still it's strange, even with all the attempts to get Trump for something, anything that they just don't throw him in jail for Jan6th. He's gotta be guilty of something, maybe they can arrest him for paying back a loan??
  12. You're one dumb son of a bitch lol
  13. This is all the most uninformed know about, Disney. It's like you get your news sources from The Enquirer.
  14. I'll one up you and say pretty terrible selection from our entire pool of candidates. Trump being the best of the bunch.
  15. Jax


    He should have hit the guy that was open for the shorter pass on 3rd down. How many times have we seen Mahommes come back under 2 minutes to win the game? Especially if all KC needs is a field goal. Keep taking the short stuff and burn the clock before scoring. I don't think a field goal ties it there anyways.
  16. Brain dead and triggered, you're the one that posted it therefore you brought it up.
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