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Everything posted by Jax

  1. He also collected classified documents while he was just a Senator.
  2. Not saying I'm listening to some guy I don't know, but I will be carrying from now on wherever I go as much as possible.
  3. Yeah but those are facts, liberals don't know how to process those things.
  4. Nothing to say as normal but you do like responding useless dribble to things you make fun of. Never a counter point though, and that's not strange, it's your norm.
  5. So nice Trump can visit farmers and sign their tractor for them and he's right, you won't see Biden doing anything like that. Especially if there's no kids to sniff/grope. My favorite was when Biden visited some factory workers for a pr stunt and instead challenged them to a fight LOL.
  6. We already know you're stupid you don't have to keep convincing us.
  7. I'm not spouting bullshit like you. So prove it...but you still don't.
  8. They're working on a way to twist it, post graphs, change the subject or woodys favorite, call us white supremacist claim he knows our response and reportedly tell us he's not posting again all the while not actually saying anything at all.
  9. Normally, liberals way of fixing an illegal immigration problem is by giving them our money and just giving them citizenship.
  10. Politics is a very miserable place for sure, and it doesn't matter what party you are.
  11. I agree 100%, screw politics and secure our damn country!!
  12. They knew from the start and the only reason they got as far as they did was because of corruption.
  13. Most of that is just spending and you didn't correlate it to anything. How many jobs were created under the semi conductor act? Also, he caused inflation and it hasn't come down yet. Garbage as usual.
  14. Are you done being stupid yet?? In interviews with CNN, a wide-range of House Republicans said that they would only accept a border deal that resembles the hardline immigration bill that passed their chamber last year – known as HR 2 – even though Senate Democrats and the White House strongly oppose that plan and call it a non-starter. And some Republicans were even more direct, suggesting that any deal should be rejected if it could bolster President Joe Biden’s standing ahead of November. “Let me tell you, I’m not willing to do too damn much right now to help a Democrat and to help Joe Biden’s approval rating,” Rep. Troy Nehls, a Texas Republican, told CNN. “I will not help the Democrats try to improve this man’s dismal approval ratings. I’m not going to do it. Why would I? Chuck Schumer has had HR 2 on his desk since July. And he did nothing with it.” Even some House Republicans in key swing districts have signaled they’re prepared to reject a Senate deal if it doesn’t go far enough, a sign the issue could be a potent campaign issue in November. “We need to do as close to HR 2 as possible,” Rep. Nick LaLota of New York, who represents a Biden-won district, told CNN. He added that the package under discussion in the Senate “was too weak” based on a briefing he received before Christmas. https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/03/politics/senate-immigration-negotiations-congress/index.html Why didn't you corrupt pos liberal/lefty hacks pass a better bill an entire year ago?? It's all a game to you stupid motherfuckers. It's no secret allowing illegal aliens to invade your country is devastating so much so that now all of the sudden they want to give the appearance of doing something about it for election time, what a bunch of morons.
  15. Jax


    I'm sure we're just reading some made up graph incorrectly.
  16. We're not the ones flooding a particular country though?
  17. Its telling me you and your phony news is full of shit as usual. Tell you what I'll give you a chance, start correlating Biden policies to their productive outcomes.
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