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Everything posted by Jax

  1. That's the dems tactics right? Hire all these activist judges and prosecutors so they have unlimited power as demonstrated by taking out political opponents.
  2. You're dumb. No one needs an excuse to talk about Trump or Obama, we're free to talk about whoever. The fact you can't discern that from my comment says how intent you are on always twisting things so they fit your narrative.
  3. That doesn't help narrow down our local lib pool lol
  4. Or maybe he is the only intelligent one left to get the news from all sources, as a real journalist would do.
  5. Let's see which dumbass is missing....
  6. Honestly, they just like playing stupid to try and have fun with us. I mean, no one can be that much of a dumbass for real right? Oh wait, we are talking about liberals, maybe they can be that dumb.
  7. And the most trusted, the weather channel, is only correct 50% of the time.
  8. Yeah but in America it's different. All the criminals are victims because of white supremacy. When are we all going to wake up and hear that damn whistle?🤣 No one should be held responsible for their own actions...
  9. Talk about dense, I'd spell it out for you but not sure you can handle reading well.
  10. He also collected classified documents while he was just a Senator.
  11. Not saying I'm listening to some guy I don't know, but I will be carrying from now on wherever I go as much as possible.
  12. Yeah but those are facts, liberals don't know how to process those things.
  13. Nothing to say as normal but you do like responding useless dribble to things you make fun of. Never a counter point though, and that's not strange, it's your norm.
  14. So nice Trump can visit farmers and sign their tractor for them and he's right, you won't see Biden doing anything like that. Especially if there's no kids to sniff/grope. My favorite was when Biden visited some factory workers for a pr stunt and instead challenged them to a fight LOL.
  15. We already know you're stupid you don't have to keep convincing us.
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