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Everything posted by Jax

  1. Thank God someone cares enough. Shame the dumbass cult has a problem with that.
  2. Problem is trans stuff gets too lewd for public, it has nothing to do with the fact they are trans. They make it all sexual, they are perverts that require limitations in public. Are you too scared to admit the truth?
  3. Why is this dude stuck on nerd explaining views?
  4. Let's wait until after his 4 years is up. If he was healthy and able to run again, no one would be saying shit about him.
  5. It's real, but I think he's probably mad from a different angle. He knows his party is crap right now and he's mad that Trump is the best option out there. That's my take.
  6. It was all Biden 🤣🤣🤣
  7. - you could easily say that those "mouthpieces' wouldn't get an interview because he knows they are biased and twist things. Fact is Putin is with Tucker because he is a great journalist contrary to how your feelings are hurt over it. Putin is there because Tucker wanted him there and did the work to make it happen. - More hurt feelings over view count as you try to discredit him but numbers don't care about your feelings. - whatever - fair Why so hurt over Tucker interviewing Putin? Jumping the shark were pretty strong words for covering a major event in the world that's forcing us to send billions upon billions in support of.
  8. That's the dems tactics right? Hire all these activist judges and prosecutors so they have unlimited power as demonstrated by taking out political opponents.
  9. You're dumb. No one needs an excuse to talk about Trump or Obama, we're free to talk about whoever. The fact you can't discern that from my comment says how intent you are on always twisting things so they fit your narrative.
  10. That doesn't help narrow down our local lib pool lol
  11. Or maybe he is the only intelligent one left to get the news from all sources, as a real journalist would do.
  12. Let's see which dumbass is missing....
  13. Honestly, they just like playing stupid to try and have fun with us. I mean, no one can be that much of a dumbass for real right? Oh wait, we are talking about liberals, maybe they can be that dumb.
  14. Yeah but in America it's different. All the criminals are victims because of white supremacy. When are we all going to wake up and hear that damn whistle?🤣 No one should be held responsible for their own actions...
  15. Talk about dense, I'd spell it out for you but not sure you can handle reading well.
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