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Everything posted by Jax

  1. What kind of power does Trump have? Is he using jedi mind tricks? Again, I already posted what the bill was and what kind of garbage it is. In reality, it is a bill for Biden to look like he did something, but in actuality it was a bill for Ukraine. I don't know why you gotta play stupid, the only one you're fooling is poor woody.
  2. He said some dumb things but he's not a lifetime politician either. I imagine if I were to become president, I'd say a lot of dumb things too as I'm not polished like our lifers. Biden is a lifer and he does both, says and does stupid things.
  3. Here comes the lefty dumbass cult spin. Trump has no power to do anything right now.
  4. You didn't listen to what Kennedy said about NATO did you? Stay clueless.
  5. ccccp(dumbass cult) - "I still don't care. I just like to show how unbelieving stupid you cult members are. Sure it's easy to do, but it's still fun. You go ahead and post some more memes. It's pretty much all you losers have. Scroll through your Facebook thread and make yourself feel better. " What a dumbass.
  6. Because he doesn't have anything useful to add so he acts like a dumbass, that's what their cult does.
  7. Why are we suppose to stand for something that's not our anthem? Would it be ok to kneel?
  8. Only the dumbass cult would believe the lefties when they blame Trump for the illegal invasion.
  9. Screw Putin, let's hear about Lopez...dumbass cult.
  10. If he wasn't so far left on a few things I'd vote for him in a heartbeat.
  11. Thank God someone cares enough. Shame the dumbass cult has a problem with that.
  12. Problem is trans stuff gets too lewd for public, it has nothing to do with the fact they are trans. They make it all sexual, they are perverts that require limitations in public. Are you too scared to admit the truth?
  13. Why is this dude stuck on nerd explaining views?
  14. Let's wait until after his 4 years is up. If he was healthy and able to run again, no one would be saying shit about him.
  15. It's real, but I think he's probably mad from a different angle. He knows his party is crap right now and he's mad that Trump is the best option out there. That's my take.
  16. It was all Biden 🤣🤣🤣
  17. - you could easily say that those "mouthpieces' wouldn't get an interview because he knows they are biased and twist things. Fact is Putin is with Tucker because he is a great journalist contrary to how your feelings are hurt over it. Putin is there because Tucker wanted him there and did the work to make it happen. - More hurt feelings over view count as you try to discredit him but numbers don't care about your feelings. - whatever - fair Why so hurt over Tucker interviewing Putin? Jumping the shark were pretty strong words for covering a major event in the world that's forcing us to send billions upon billions in support of.
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