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Everything posted by Jax

  1. I guess my point is the whole system is corrupt for the most part. I'm not talking deep state or any conspiracy theories. If you ever heard stories about your local gov't, like people just creating a job title out of thin air so they could have a friend come in and do nothing to make 80k+/year, that kind of corruption. All the back door deals, making bills so they can 'do good' by spending money just to get a kickback in some way. You probably can't even get into higher positions of gov't without favors and being in debt to those favors. Until we hold accountable those that are corrupt nothing will improve, instead it'll get worse. Like being over run by illegals that contribute nothing but take from our resources. The question is how do we hold them accountable? By and large, none of these people in either party care about us and less and less about our country.
  2. What the dumbass cult fails to realize in all their over exaggerations and fetishes over hating Trump is we were doing great as a nation under Trump. Under Biden we are doing horrible and it's even infected the rest of the world. Truth is dumbass cult, we merely support Trump because of this fact. You sound stupid trying to tell us we idolize him in any shape of fashion. If anyone, including Kamala could go in and do the same job Trump did, I'd support her just the same.
  3. That's why we need real education. What other countries do is irrelevant. We are not a democracy, we are a republic. You really shouldn't even have an opinion on politics until you figure that out.
  4. What makes 3rd party any different? You don't think they're aligned in any way? You honestly believe they have nothing to do with either party?
  5. Putin killing off political opposition, how despicable. Oh yeah, when is Trumps next trial?
  6. Like I said before, they are so desperate to prove the lies they've been told that they literally have to put words in our mouths and tell us what we mean. What they believe in and understand has no merit to stand for itself.
  7. You are slow dumbass aren't you? Notice where I said I don't give a shit what a meme is, so even if I didn't do it on purpose, it doesn't matter unless you're a dumbass.
  8. That 69 rupees on the full size candy bars would be .83 cents here, when was the last time you seen candy bars under a buck?
  9. Hahaha, I thought my mislabeling it would bring out the nerd in woody to correct me. You all fall for everything, dumbass cult. Like I even give a shit what a meme is.
  10. They're my talking points, allowing an illegal invasion of any size is the worst crisis we have in this country. This and our rights to guns has always been my main voting priorities. I can't help that almost all politicians are useless.
  11. He's way more reliable than you are, you're a brainwashed race baiter
  12. Why do you feel the need to trigger the dumbass cult Nickers? You even made them break out memes LOL
  13. First off dumbass, repubs killed the bill not us and not maga. Second off the bill sucked and had nothing to do with border security. Third we already have laws in the books, nothing needs passed, just go secure the fucking border and stop playing games. Fourth, dumbass cult believing the MSM again.
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