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Everything posted by Jax

  1. I'm too tired to look but I'm just asking, what's the context? The plans for these embryos, the reason they are frozen, are because they are intended to be used for future use which happens to be a living person. In of itself, no I don't consider an embryo a living person(I don't think), but in this case they just may require protection that would deter some whackball from destroying them. It's a pain to play along with you though because you falsely compare things. Ofcourse it's not the same as a living child in any case if you want to be technical. However, a growing newborn inside a womans stomach is not the same as a small child either yet as a civil society we recognize it as a living being none the same and as such have introduced double homicide laws for killing pregnant women. So, if a bunch of embryos are frozen with the intent to raise life, then sure, why not protect them? Some people are too stupid to respect that. It's a shame in todays society such a law would be needed. "Alabama, which ranks near the bottom among states for education, and near the top for teenage pregnancy or infant death rate. Any surprise? " - Woody Why would you equate that law, which is new or not even passed, to the reason for teenage pregnancy or infant death? Or why would ranking bottom for education have anything to do with this?
  2. That's the only argument they may win around here is when someone misspells a word.
  3. Aaaaaan nothing but tired sarcasm instead of any input to the contrary.
  4. Dumbass cult, no one should need to perform irreversible damage to themselves just to make an appeal, especially one we know will be over turned.
  5. I voted for Trump dumbass, not the imbecile that opened the floodgates. Trump didn't pretend to need a bill to pass. You still haven't said why you need a bill instead of enforcing laws that already exist. He needs money to clean up his own mess? Maybe he can cut into Ukraines share.
  6. This may be a google gemini created response, not preprogrammed to be biased at all.
  7. The dumbass cult gets really hung up on the important stuff lol
  8. Dumbass, the point was compare it to what we have because of our don't prosecute policies. To go along with our criminals are victims mentality.
  9. They're already in place, but instead they direct them to buses, dumbass. Do you not know about all the 'secret' illegal alien processing centers, you should get educated. Money for tech, what kind of stupidity is that? Get the hell out of here until you know something and have an intelligent answer. We also didn't see these massive herds invading during Trumps time, could that be cause your dumbass leader invited them all during his campaign? I'll give you a hint, yes. Now you dimwits want to blame Trump for your mess, typical dumbass cult.
  10. Hey, has Biden changed any other laws so he could politically prosecute some new rivals?
  11. They don't care about getting the truth out, not that they have any, they just want paid.
  12. Dumbass, they're called illegal aliens for a reason, what could that be? Oh yeah, it's already a law. Tell me again why they need a special bill?
  13. You figured him out!! All of Trumps hard work to conceal his real plan ruined by one slip up. -dumbass cult Nevermind he was the president once already and the real threat was the media constantly lying and harassing him.
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