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Everything posted by Jax

  1. He blew your massive burn out of the water though didn't he? You must be mad again. Everything you lefties do is dishonest.
  2. The Axis would have won WWII with trendy fake outrage pussies like you.
  3. Another case of thinking your opinion is the only opinion that matters. Woody doesn't matter cause the idiot is brain washed on white supremacy conspiracy theory. All of you dumbasses do exactly what you're in here crying about, and you do it ten fold in the Browns section. At least here it's understandable, but on the Browns board it should be a hell of a lot better but it isn't. As I said before, you whack jobs care more about Trump than we do.
  4. Actually, every time I read in the Browns posts, you idiots jump all over Nickers and Cal for no good reason. Typical it's everyone else but myself mentality.
  5. You mean the one that has us on the brink of WWIII and America being invaded??
  6. Costas is a bitter, hateful twit.
  7. Reading comprehension 101, where did I say it was ok? Do you just assume cause I stated a fact? And what in the hell would you know anything about what a good christian is and who gave you the right to judge whether someone is or isn't? At least most people try.
  8. And here you go being a dumbass again.
  9. I'm beginning to think you don't know what rights are.
  10. People aren't dumb. Well scratch that, but imagine this patient picking up a new born that bit him and he dropped it killing it. Would his defense being that he didn't know a baby could bite so hard be acceptable? But maybe you could say the patient didn't honestly know what these embryos were. I don't know the full context of this clinic or their knowledge. These embryos are peoples baby. It's a process they had to revert to for whatever reason, what if you were that parent whose embryo had been dropped cause some idiot walked in and dropped it? Do you calm your wife down and say, it's ok it was just accident? The plaintiffs in this case are correct. It's no different than having new born babies all wrapped up in their cribs. So maybe you can forgive such a mistake from the patient, but regardless you have to make improvements in protecting the embryos. Are you mad they are trying to protect these embryos?
  11. Did you not go back to see my original answer? It's still a badly phrased question anyways. What legal 'rights' are you talking about? All I see is a law making harsh penalties for destroying embryos. I already stated it needs better clarity in regards to the clinic or parents with regard to destroying eggs themselves.
  12. The whole world does this, you don't have to be Christian.
  13. What in the hell are you babbling about lol?? Again, what right is being taken away in this case?
  14. Who is the stupidest cult? That's right, the dumbass cult. Double the votes!
  15. No one should be playing around the embryos, so no accident should have happened. Here is from the article I already posted: In 2020, an individual gained access to the fertility clinic through an unsecured door, removed several embryos from their cryogenic chamber, and then dropped them on the floor, destroying them. Some accident, he accidentally removed embryos from a frozen chamber and dropped them.. So why don't you stop being a smug prick and post the article you're referencing?
  16. Nothing but honest unbiased reporting at Axios lol
  17. I already gave my opinion. I can't help it you put blinders on. As to your actual question, Are they legally children? How else do you want me to answer? It's a yes or no question that's fact based.
  18. Not on this subject, I have my own opinion for as little researched. So the religious could be out of context and glorified? Anyways, our country was built on God given rights, not everything that pertains to religion is an exteme.
  19. What does Trump have to do with this?
  20. Jax


    This sounds like the libs around here, don't even understand our rights.
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