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Everything posted by Jax

  1. I couldn't stomach watching the entire ignorant racist talk about illegal immigrants. Do they really believe having 10 million illegals stream into our country that have no respect for our laws or history or culture, is any good in any shape? Did they even get a look at the type of people crossing? None of them are vetted in any way. It's almost as if she's saying Americans having babies is horrible but allowing illegal aliens in is a better option. But what does she care? She's getting rich by playing stupid.
  2. From WSS link: In a briefing Thursday, IDF spokesperson Daniel Hargari denied there had been a strike on the convoy. He said that Israeli tanks had fired warning shots to disperse a crowd around an aid convoy in Gaza, after seeing that people were being trampled. He insisted that the tanks were there “to secure the humanitarian corridor” so the aid convoy could reach its destination. The IDF released a short video, which appears to show a tank driving parallel to the crowd, several meters away. “As you can see in this video, the tanks that were there to secure the convoy sees the Gazans being trampled and cautiously tries to disperse the mob with a few warning shots,” Hagari said. When the crowd started to grow and “things got out of hand,” the tank retreated to avoid harming Gazans, he added. “I think, as a military man, they were backing up securely, risking their own lives, not shooting at the mob,” he said. Seems to me, they were trying to provide some aid and things went south. It does not seem like a set up to lure people out just so they could shoot them. Again, it's just a nasty situation but those people trying to provide aid also have to protect themselves, that was a huge chaotic swarm of people and you're dealing with terrorist that like to blend in.
  3. Woody declared it, it must be so.
  4. You also need honesty, it has to be a rare muslim that's in power and is pro constitution instead of putting their home country first. There is video of them coming out and saying so because there is no accountability. A muslim should have a very difficult time getting in gov't because their belief systems just don't align with America. Todays libs would have you believe it's bigotry and racism that makes me say that, but it's the truth and common sense. I don't harbor a hatred toward any people though I sure as hell reserve my trust. You can't hold an honest debate anymore with lefties though because everything to them is racist or bigotry, that's why they want to start banning speech. It's part of their power and control agenda because they want to control the narrative and not have to contend with little things like truth.
  5. They can't debate a topic so they just bash the source. Ranked voting sounds more like popularity voting. Our politicians are kind of bad these days, a lot seem to be put in place because of identity politics. If you want to improve the system then you need real transparency and better accountability. That's a real start to change the system. Unless you're totally ignorant, you can clearly see these parties using activism to corrupt every branch of our gov't. Right now nothing is more obvious than the democrats abusing power. I'm sure the repubs do their share, but it's not as noticeable because their corruption is more toward making themselves rich. Democrats want power to go along with lining their pockets and they don't care how they destroy this country doing so.
  6. Just like the campus murder of the jogger, most places you knew growing up to be safe is no longer entirely accurate. You don't know what murdering/raping illegal alien opportunist will be wandering to, so many have come across they have to roam somewhere after the big cities flood over.
  7. Jax

    Love It

    Good news for once!
  8. Jax


    Talk about being a tyrant. Dems weaponizing justice system in vain. “The Colorado Civil Rights Commission’s actions in assessing a cakeshop owner’s reasons for declining to make a cake for a same-sex couple’s wedding celebration violated the free exercise clause.” -Scotus
  9. Who funds all your 'experts' research? I don't need them to tell me the climate changes ffs. What did Al Gore(and all his 'experts') say about rising sea levels?? Keep getting strung along by your leash good puppy.
  10. Rights?? Woody and ccc wouldn't know all about that. We must do away with our rights to save the planet from man made global warming! I mean global warming!! Ahh heck, I mean climate change.
  11. Hey guys, only left leaning liberal sites, studies and 'experts' count as information. If it's conservative in any nature OR is at odds with any opinion from the left, it doesn't count.
  12. War is ugly ccc, none of us are there in person so having fake rage over it doesn't do shit. I would have turned Gaza into a big pit after what they did if I was the leader in Israel. Your 'experts' all get paid depending on their findings or which pharmaceutical paid them off, dumbass cult.
  13. It's ok, you'll get us next time tiger! Now go search endlessly for a word Trump might have misspoke, hahaha.
  14. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/02/until-we-take-away-their-power-they-will/ “Until We Take Away Their Power – They Will Continue to Do This” – MSNBC Contributor Calls on Democrats to Strip Power from the Supreme Court After Trump Ruling Unhinged contributor Elie Mystal, from The Nation magazine called on Democrats to “deal with” the Supreme Court. It’s become impossible for Democrats to wage an all-out war on the American people when they don’t control the Supreme Court. Elie Mystal: What it says is that they are corrupted political actors who act in bad faith. The reason why people like Mark and people like Dahlia seem to have a crystal ball is because they’re real, because they’re realists, and they understand the court for what it is. And at some point, people in the media, people at home, and people sitting in the White House have to stop pretending that the Supreme Court is some kind of benign ‘trying to do its best’ institution and start to realize that there are six Republicans, not conservatives, Republicans on the Supreme Court, who view it as their job to help the Republican Party. Sounds to me he is blaming the deep state. Sorry hack, we have a set of laws we follow. What all lefties need to understand is they need medical help. Seek out therapy and get help. I feel embarrassed for all the people that might actually agree with his grifting delusions. You can't just destroy what this country represents just to get your way. Go ahead though, take away our 'power' so you can turn this nation into a country of activists and victims where the 'feeling' of the day and social whims can determine who is guilty of any crime that is opposite your opinions.
  15. Jax


    What in the hell is this Russian touting pea brain wearing though?
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