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Everything posted by Jax

  1. Jax


    Ignore all the other violence, here's a real problem, white farmers and rural people.
  2. Rape was the only thing that prevented the invasion from going further. They still have hostages that are violently being raped now.
  3. I don't give a shit about it either, but it means something to them, sorry.
  4. If people start addressing the real issues instead of coming up with garbage, doubtful but maybe. But we also aren't going to with any new voting system, it'll only get worse.
  5. Obviously their targeted group are adults, and that was 3rd grade level. Garbage. You're assuming it's the voting that's broken in our system, put 20 candidates in there and they are all the same. We need better education on what this country was founded on and it's principles, instead you get indoctrination and division. We need real transparency and representation in gov't along with punishable accountability.
  6. Talk about a brainwashing...you know it's bad when they have to make a video on an elementary level, especially when kids can't even vote.
  7. That's a good thing, all those leaders are tyrants and useless.
  8. What do you think the chant 'from the river to the sea' means? Let me know how many Dearborn residents don't go along with that sentiment. We even see it all over college campuses and in our own gov't. Just because you only speak half the truth doesn't make it the only side of the truth. If you took a poll of them, I'd be shocked if they didn't come out and tell you themselves that they are antisemetic.
  9. Wait, cnbc? There goes the lefts dismissal, now they just won't post.
  10. That phony bill was also too late to help with that. Biden already invited the 3rd world in during his campaign, even handed out t shirts, supplied instructions, cell phones, money and transportation. -dumbass cult
  11. He addressed the puppet master instead of the puppet lol
  12. Jax

    Love It

    I still love my weather in Ohio, I love the cold winters and I love sweating to death in the summer, seriously.
  13. So when Al Gore said he had experts, it didn't count? Now today all of the sudden little woodys experts are king? - dumbass cult
  14. Al Gore said he had experts - dumbass cult
  15. Yes sir, it's really amazing how many good people there are out there. I always try to be kind at every chance because the miserable people aren't worth my time.
  16. Jax


    These activist judges are a threat to society the same as the criminals.
  17. Unfortunately today being for the constitution makes people on the left judge you for being on the extreme right. I'm neither, if anything I'd like to go back to what I believed was the party for the working class. The left today is so out of whack that they force you on the right. Unless you like destroying this country.
  18. Only your experts were and are wrong. That's not lost on us, or go ask all the people on the coast after your experts said they'd be under water by now.
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