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Everything posted by Jax

  1. I don't know, maybe you misunderstood, we're actually making fun of you.
  2. Just for the record, I fall in between all the arguments on abortion. I think you should have the option to abort, but it has to be by a certain time. What that time is I have no idea, but I'd like people to at least mostly come to agreement on that much. As far as guns go, gov't actually does have a bunch of laws in place that goes against our 2nd amendment rights.
  3. Also pinhead, there's no space here for race baiters. Everyone under any characteristic, preference or genetic has it rough or has it made and inbetween. Dumbass cult
  4. Or a woman/girl trying to compete in your own field for a scholarship or prizes? I see you too are hiding behind women when it comes to abortion, but the hell with them when it comes to men going or being in places they have no business.
  5. Someones gone off the deep end, must have gotten inspired by Bidens speech.
  6. Roe vs Wade should stand or fall on it's own merit, not interfered with by either side, if we have honest courts that is. One issue among many though.
  7. You realize they categorize teens as children in those stats. There are a shit ton of teen gang bangers, and a shit ton running loose in cities like Chicago that shoot each other constantly. Also, don't know if you realize, behind every firearm is a person, now I know lefties like to blame everything and anything except those directly responsible but, it's the person that owns the firearm or pulls the trigger that is the cause, not the firearm. Thankfully in this country, we don't strip away rights just because people have accidents or abuse their rights. If you want to say deaths are deaths, then look at driving. After all you are the one bringing in other comparisons so you can't cry about a different example. Driving is a privilege, it's not even a right yet why aren't you worried about kids in car deaths?? What about babies in abortion?? More fake rage. Let's say you have a good point in gun deaths among kids, let's pretend for a moment. In no way does it take away from the fact we need to stop illegals from entering our country and deport ones that are here. It in no way diminishes the crime they commit while illegally in our country. This is why we call you the dumbass cult, cry about guns all you want but don't try to fuse a totally different topic into it. Seriously, are we supposed to all of the sudden forget about the illegal invasion and their crimes because we have other problems? Dumbass cult. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/04/06/gun-deaths-among-us-kids-rose-50-percent-in-two-years/ Gun deaths are much more common among some groups of children and teens In the U.S., some groups of children and teens are far more likely than others to die by gunfire. Boys, for example, accounted for 83% of all gun deaths among children and teens in 2021. Girls accounted for 17%. Older children and teens are much more likely than younger kids to be killed in gun-related incidents. Those ages 12 to 17 accounted for 86% of all gun deaths among children and teens in 2021, while those 6 to 11 accounted for 7% of the total, as did those 5 and under. Still, there were 179 gun deaths among children ages 6 to 11 and 184 among those 5 and under in 2021. For all three age groups, homicide was the leading type of gun death in 2021. But suicides accounted for a significant share (36%) of gun deaths among those ages 12 to 17, while accidents accounted for a sizable share (34%) of gun deaths among those 5 and under. Racial and ethnic differences in gun deaths among kids are stark. In 2021, 46% of all gun deaths among children and teens involved Black victims, even though only 14% of the U.S. under-18 population that year was Black. Much smaller shares of gun deaths among children and teens in 2021 involved White (32%), Hispanic (17%) and Asian (1%) victims.
  8. Jax


    "except machine guns" doesn't appear in the 2nd amendment either 😃 Interestingly, machine guns aren't even banned, you just need a permit.
  9. They don't teach unity anymore, or patriotism...
  10. After allowing men to invade women's sports, now he's going to pander to them. I wonder if he could define woman since he used the word?
  11. What rises are you referring to?? Where do you get more people have chosen not to vaccinate their kids? There's all kinds of vaccinations, some are a must and some are iffy, the doctors themselves will tell you. Most public schools even require certain vaccinations. My oldest is 22, we went with what we thought were good vaccinations and left ones that didn't make any sense, with supervision of our kids family doctor. Most diseases I've seen a rise in are absolutely due to illegals, or maybe not a rise in but just cases popping up all of the sudden that we haven't seen in years. The ones mentioned in the title I can surmise wasn't American born.
  12. I like how certain people don't know what humor is, especially when they try to rationalize it.
  13. I gotta see parts of it, should be amusing, then probably infuriating...
  14. Probably a ton because you dumbass leftys let too many people invade, duh.
  15. Now show us Bidens crowd ROFL (all 5 people)
  16. I'm gonna start calling you Kamala jr.
  17. It's like they can't process anything they actually see because cnn didn't tell them to notice all the crime the 3rd world is bringing in.
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