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Everything posted by Jax

  1. You're too much of a dumbass to be telling anyone how to defend themselves in public or in home. A fun thing about the AR is building your own. However, just because we own ARS doesn't mean we don't own more than that. So we take our 9 to the mall, the 22 jogging, the 44 magnum camping and any one of those plus others I deem necessary while at home. I'm partly interested in these right now, or something similar. https://zenithfirearms.com/product/zf-5/
  2. Why deflect? You care about deaths, but you don't want to fix anything else that causes deaths. Fake rage, you don't have to pretend you're not a joke. I don't need any comparison because I have a right and your little opinion can't deny it. All you can do is cry and pretend to be upset. 🤣
  3. How did the sheep herders in Afghanistan do with worn out AK-47s?
  4. Where's CCp, Woody wants to take away our rights!! What do you have to say now CCp?? Still worried about rights??
  5. Jax


    Rape doesn't count if you support Trump. The left has been out of control for far too long.
  6. Also amazingly, the political opposition was doxxed and threatened with legal action. The attack of the viral memes lol
  7. But... but... but... licensing and registration!! ROFL
  8. Abortion is absolutely going to be a killer. I'm not saying my opinion is the best, but they better adopt something more in the middle and get the Democrats to do the same. I think Trump will fully support Israel but he's smart to stay away from that and allow the extra votes upset at Biden to flow his way.
  9. I'm not the only one and it really is the top issue, stop being stupid. It's not so much that anyone is anti woke so much as you dumbases keep trying to be woke. The left is going over the top with all their DEI bullshit in the work place and military. The left already blew that issue up by being dumb and grown ups now have to waste time fixing your guys temper tantrums and nonsense.
  10. Can't help it you melt cause you can't refute anything.
  11. I think woody and ccc assured us we're just bigots and racist, our guns and carbon emissions are a bigger threat. Oh and rural farmers.
  12. Let's tear apart your stupidity on this real quick. First, my comparison is rights over privilege and deaths. Second, we don't need to be certified or be registered to own guns. I'm not sure what you think is getting thrown in my face. Third, I know gun grabbers hate comparing to cars because they can't refute anything.
  13. Damn right, the illegal invasion is one of the top issues. No one cares about trans people, until they get in your face constantly. Let's parade around scary Christians and watch you buttercups melt. It doesn't have to be anything more than that, it's the death caused by an illegal that shouldn't be here. Case closed. Bring up guns in another new topic, then we can dissect your stupidity.
  14. Don't know who Tate is sorry. Don't follow any pills let alone red ones, just calling out bullshit.
  15. Our immigration system isn't necessarily broken, it just isn't being enforced or protected.
  16. Not getting into guns now. Why make a point over anyones death that came at the hands of an illegal alien? Do you need to argue against Americans just because you think it has a conservative slant? You just can't merely agree the death shouldn't have happened? How the hell do you say it's emotional? It's the most common sense issue we have.
  17. The best part is if you would flip everything around, if this was a democratic issue they would have polar opposite opinions, but since they 'think' it's a conservative issue..
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