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Everything posted by Jax

  1. Figured as much, I didn't expect anything but a good laugh.
  2. Violence in general is an issue. That is what you need to find a solution for. Taking guns away does not solve violence. People do actually own some of the arms you're talking about. https://www.rockislandauction.com/detail/75/2584/fully-automatic-class-iiinfa-registered-m60-medium-machine-gun
  3. Excellent take! It's not for the gov't to 'allow', that is the exact reason for the 2nd amendment.
  4. I'm glad your dumbass can go back in time and determine what they meant, excuse me for my pessimism. The 2nd is clear, shall not infringe. Because gov't has no right to ban such weapons as it infringes on my right. The 2nd is very clear despite your baseless attempts at the opposite. They specifically included this in the constitution to protect all rights, no exclusions were made. If they made it vague for reasons as you believe, then they would have also come right out and added an exclusion. You can't have it both ways, to put it simply. Contrary to your misguided belief it says 'arms', it does not say pistols or muskets.
  5. Hey cccp, someone was trying to take away our rights in another topic, where were you?? don't tell me you only care to be a dumbass.
  6. Do the Browns need any ugly cheerleaders?? I nominate woody!!
  7. I have the option to bring my 22, I only really bring it on my secluded winter runs in the park. So because you're being a drama queen I suddenly don't care about babies? You honestly should stay current on your prozac, no offense. Also, you don't know my full view on abortion, nothing like throwing blanket statements around.
  8. Jax


    Awww, I actually feel bad for those animals.
  9. You must be one, insecure miserable person.
  10. Oh, you're one of those type of idiots that pretend to have a clue what the 2nd amendment really means. Shall not infringe, there's no exceptions or clauses in there. Quick, pass your knowledge to SCOTUS so they can ban whatever your dumbass deems fit, clown.
  11. Liberals always gotta play the drama queen victim. It wasn't the guns fault now was it? Any bullet from any weapon that went through the wall would have been able to kill or maim her, why the need to sensationalize ar 15s, doesn't your argument stand on it's own merit? You little snub nose would have had the same impact or worse.
  12. You are just as delusional as you are stupid. Typical make up shit as you go along. It doesn't matter what the majority of younger folks want, not that you'd know anyways lol, it's our right in the constitution. I told you to go get educated on what that means. It's not lobbying either, it's more of a fact the majority of Americans want to keep their freedoms and their rights. You wouldn't know common sense until you start putting your money where your mouth is. Start driving an EV yet? How about any major donations to cancer research since you care about deaths? Have you stopped eating any beef products? Have you installed solar panels on your house? What have you done? Just whine about other people do? You've brought up a bunch of made up garbage opinions but no real answers to anything. Politicians can't do shit, this country isn't a majority rule, it's a republic. We follow the constitution, that little thing you like to gloss over but have no idea what it really means. Our constitution protects our rights from the government. Your dumbass wants to give them more power over our God given rights.
  13. Sweet collection. I have a Gerber fast back I always carry.
  14. There's more semi auto guns with even more damaging rounds. I have a couple of those as well. Home protection is not the only reason people own ARs, but thanks for decreeing what the rest of us peasants should be allowed to own.
  15. Here's the problem. What exactly would gun training do? Make the criminal better at hitting his targets? The criminal is already bent on killing, the only people registration and licensing affect are people that abide by the law. Registration gives gov't a list they can come confiscate at any point they wish. Registration stops nothing, it literally does nothing to stop any amount of violence, so it's infringement on my rights. Let's not forget some important words here, shall not infringe. You don't punish the good guys cause your social issues are causing violence. There are already a lot of laws on the books as is, criminals don't care.
  16. You're pulling it out of context, which is ok because you'd be wrong in any stretch of the imagination. The comparison holds because you care about deaths. You're the dumbass trying to make exact comparisons about registration and crap. So tell me, why do you want to ban guns? If not ban then what exactly do you want? You mentioned firearms being the leading cause of death in children and I already shot that down because it's not merely little children. That number matters, because now we can move on to other more leading causes of death in children. https://usafacts.org/data-projects/child-death ...the growing childhood death rates between 2019 and 2021 were primarily due to firearm injuries, drug overdoses, and car accidents. -If we could pull out gang shootings, I'm sure drugs and cars surpass firearm deaths. Injuries from firearms are the leading cause of death for children and teens In 2020, firearms surpassed car accidents as the leading cause of death for children and teens. Deaths due to firearm-related injuries — including death by homicide, suicide, or accident — were around 20% of all child and teen deaths in 2020 and 2021, the largest proportion in at least four decades. Firearm injuries have been the top cause of death for Black kids and teens for over 20 years For white, Hispanic, American Indian and Alaska Native children, car accidents remain the leading cause of death. Cancer has been the leading cause of death in Asian or Pacific Islander children since 2010. -So by the stats you can surmise culture may play a bigger role in childhood deaths than does firearms. Here, when you leave out blacks car deaths do surpass firearms as the leading cause of death. Now yes, all deaths matter but if you want to actually solve the death rates you have to look at what's actually causing it. Which will lead me back to my main point from a different post. People. Say it with me, guns don't kill people, people kill people. So again, by your logic, are you ready to protest and ban cars since it's the leading cause of death in children other than blacks? Or can you shut up about banning guns because you're full of shit and don't have an actual argument other than your feelings? I don't have time to waste, but we could start throwing in numbers for the times armed citizens saved themselves or others by being armed. The number would be huge because you don't see all the times a homeowner just shows a gun and the criminals run. So again, why do you want to ban guns? If not ban then what do you suggest?
  17. Same with guns, good point. Some have different calibers for different uses. Some weigh more or less, some are for hunting, sport shooting, competition, defense. Some people enjoy shooting so much, they buy the permit to allow owning full auto. As I said already, I have different ones depending where I'm going.
  18. I can't stop laughing, you really are stupid!
  19. They'd have to put a kill switch on Trumps mic
  20. Jax


    Dumbass cult (posted since video was deleted, you get the idea)
  21. ARs are a dangerous weapon, if used as such. Much like a car can be a weapon system capable of mass casualty. The 2nd amendment is all we need but the lefties are the ones that can't leave well enough alone. You really believe everyone thinks hammers are as dangerous as ARs?? Are you lefties that insecure that we can't be sarcastic and point out how dumb you always sound? I'm sure a few of those RPGs and such can be appropriated along the way. Point is, we had air superiority and they still drove us off. The president of the United States shouldn't be threatening it's citizens with F 16s.
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