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Everything posted by Jax

  1. Yes please, just what Ohio needs. My property taxes just went through the roof.
  2. "Apt (sic.) time to recall that the modern day police system is a direct evolution of slave patrols and lynch mobs," Modern day isn't history, he checks a box, dei promotion, nothing more but crazy and mentally ill.
  3. Jax


    It becomes concerning when this is no longer a surprise nor shocking.
  4. Jax


    So what is going on? The British gave the FBI this video 20+ years ago. Sounds like they are questioning Saudis involvement, but why does this come out now after all this time?
  5. Reminds me of old man yells at clouds meme lol
  6. Jax


    Disgusting. All they can do is call actual evidence fear mongering. What kind of dumbass falls for that line over and over especially when they're showing the actual crimes that's supposedly fear mongering. Newsflash, it's cause for legitimate concern. Also, what we have going on is an illegal invasion, not legal immigration. How many dumbasses fall for that, where they include something legal into what is illegal activity.
  7. 🤣🤣🤣
  8. Not only are we allowing illegals like this into the country unchecked, but willing to bring them in.
  9. Hate to say it, but it started with Reagan and his amnesty bill. Ever since then, Cali has been a blue state when previously it was kind of split down the middle. Same thing happening in Texas now.
  10. Who's more crazy? The mentally ill or the people that listen to them?
  11. Hoorta is even whining on the Browns side. He behaves exactly as he cries about and he's nothing but a left wing conspiracy nut.
  12. He said we don't want them here because they look different. He doesn't grasp the real reasons.
  13. Very true, I'm considering moving but it's not the best time to do so. When I built my home, it was cheaper to do so than buy used. Material cost is astronomical now and that alone has doubled to build. I couldn't afford to build the same house now even though I make more money, in fact, even though my property value has increased almost 100%, it's still cheaper than building new.
  14. Where would we be if someone didn't prove the climate changes...
  15. Meanwhile in honest news...
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