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Everything posted by Jax

  1. You must be running for office Cal? Dumbass cult has a problem figuring out what context is.
  2. Unfortunately this country needs to hear every story and prevent further crimes from our politicians neglecting our safety by allowing and even promoting an illegal invasion.
  3. Now you're just making shit up so you can act like an ass. Due process is still ongoing...
  4. It means you know exactly how much money he made and it didn't add up to his net worth = corruption.
  5. I knew your tiny brain couldn't comprehend ffs. I told you to study. Due process would include filing appeals...😉
  6. Liquid funds, at least none in American bank accounts. Do you really think billionaires keep thier cash in a savings account? Hahahahahahah🤣🤣🤣 Just to be technical a second, it doesn't say he can't pay his bond, it says he can't find a company to give him a surety bond. So he'll have to liquefy some of his investments if it comes down to it. Forget it's Trump for a second brain dead, the courts have no right to do this under the constitution. Like he said, once they get him, we're next. Doesn't matter if you're a leftist shrill. Figure out the bold print. The Eighth Amendment (Amendment VIII) to the United States Constitution protects against imposing excessive bail, excessive fines, or cruel and unusual punishments. This amendment was adopted on December 15, 1791, along with the rest of the United States Bill of Rights.[1] The amendment serves as a limitation upon the state or federal government to impose unduly harsh penalties on criminal defendants before and after a conviction. This limitation applies equally to the price for obtaining pretrial release and the punishment for crime after conviction.[2] The phrases in this amendment originated in the English Bill of Rights of 1689. The prohibition against cruel and unusual punishments has led courts to hold that the Constitution totally prohibits certain kinds of punishment, such as drawing and quartering. Under the Cruel and Unusual Punishment Clause, the Supreme Court has struck down the application of capital punishment in some instances, but capital punishment is still permitted in some cases where the defendant is convicted of murder. The Supreme Court has held that the Excessive Fines Clause prohibits fines that are "so grossly excessive as to amount to a deprivation of property without due process of law". The Court struck down a fine as excessive for the first time in United States v. Bajakajian (1998). Under the Excessive Bail Clause, the Supreme Court has held that the federal government cannot set bail at "a figure higher than is reasonably calculated" to ensure the defendant's appearance at trial. The Supreme Court has ruled that the Excessive Fines Clause and the Cruel and Unusual Punishments Clause apply to the states, but has not done this regarding the Excessive Bail Clause. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eighth_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution
  7. I'm not talking about Trump, I'm talking about how ignorant you are to make those statements.
  8. Oh please stop, your ignorance is showing!
  9. Yeah cause the gov't knows all about climate change, the market, our energy infrastructure and how it all affects the citizens.
  10. You clearly don't know how real estate or investing works.
  11. I thought we were past the bad idea of gov't involvement in EVs. EPA didn't respond to a request for comment, but said in February that it is committed to finalizing a tailpipe standard that is "readily achievable, secures reductions in dangerous air and climate pollution and ensures economic benefits for families." When they say they're 'committed to', it's double talk for we're going to say what you want to hear, but in reality we don't have an actual plan but we know it will cost you plenty of money and not improve anything.
  12. What a joke and CCCp supports it, doesn't say much for him. TDS, as long as they 'get' Trump by any means necessary. What's a little corruption or criminal mischief?
  13. Who determined our support of Israel is blind, we gave justification. The blind support for hamas is the same shit that plagues America with lefty culture.
  14. They are literally rounding up Palestinians, imprisoning them and mass killing them?? They are announcing raids and bombing and trying to deliver food. If it was a genocide, you'd know it. The only genocidal tendencies I seen was the indiscriminate murder of Jews as they invaded their land and personally went up to each one as they slaughtered them. No my friend, Israel is reacting to their violence while Hamas hides among civilians. Whether those citizens are innocent or part of the problem is up in the air. You can't get around what Hamas did as part of Palestine. They are all brain washed to do the same.
  15. Jax


    It's just jobs Americans don't want...oh wait
  16. Jax


    Worth watching.
  17. Why not just say 38 then, we aren't mind readers. It's a snub nose as well, just cause it can shoot 357 as well doesn't make it ideal because you think it adds extra barrel weight. My 44 magnum is a beast of a pistol and it still kicks like a cannon. However, using 38 is a different story, but a snub nose is still a snub nose.
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