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Everything posted by Jax

  1. Did you watch who and how they over powered our national guard? Those Americans health were at risk, it's just a matter of time before they get assaulted, stabbed or shot themselves. The world isn't a peaceful place, hop on a plane and go to the border and wander around all those illegals and tell me why on earth it's every taxpaying citizens job to allow people into our country that don't share this countries beliefs and do nothing but drain resources we earned and protected? We can't solve the worlds problem by allowing the world to come here or we'll join them. You don't even make a dent in third world countries by doing this, you just bring this country down and we already have problems with our own homelessness, starvation and poor. Go look up immigration gumballs for how this affects us and the world.
  2. Doesn't sound like you are well versed in EV production in any manner other than climate change is bad. Right now GM is building new battery plants, massive plants employing over a thousand people governed by Korea. In these plants everything is in Korean. There have been numerous accidents and most created because they are not handling safety, you don't even know what is dangerous or what the precautions are because you can't read anything being shipped in. Hopefully that changes as they are part of the UAW now. Safety was a number one protocol with GM inside it's plants, however, at the battery plants, the employees are considered leased. Anyways, these plants are built on the technology we have right now. Already they are not safe as is, just one point. But also, they are not fluid, they don't just make small changes to these plants as technology advances. The cars themselves are designed to work with a certain type of battery, engineered all around it. They can't just change little things here and there either. Then they also have their own plants where they are manufactured. Changes can be made, but they are huge changes that take a lot of time to finish. As technology advances, and that may be years, decades, the system we have now is not good. Did you look at what goes into mining/manufacturing all the needed components? At what point do you want to make that commitment to a majority of EVS on the road, cars that won't start in the cold? We haven't even discussed our power grid yet. We experience brown outs all over the country as is, people can't even run their ac in the summer and yet, you expect everyone to charge their cars all at the same time on this grid? What impact will over expanding our electrical needs do to the environment? How long will that take? Can it be done and at what cost? Biden I think already wants some tax for power companies, you think that'll be the end? You think they already have the cost figured and done? Hell no, that's just to get them to draw up paperwork probably, if that. If we're going to commit, it's not a 10 year plan. Hell this country can't even agree to keep it's border safe let alone handle this undertaking, everything is politicized, add corruption, incompetency and ineptness to the bill and time. This is something they don't know how the technology will advance so how the hell can they plan to overhaul a major undertaking as our grid? You said it yourself, electric, hydrogen, you need to set forth decades of planning yet you don't even know what technology we need to build for. Does that mean we don't advance? No, but gov't dictatorship used inappropriately will fuck this whole thing to hell and back. That;s not even debating the fact of the real impact cars have on the environment right now. It's not even including the debate on the impact of cars we have now vs impacts of the next generation of cars. You gotta have an open, honest debate of what's really going on. You guys can't call out gov't corruption then back off and say gov't funded man made climate change is real. You can't even be honest in describing it cause it went from man made to simply climate change. That's entirely 2 different things. There's more, I just wanted to briefly touch some of the topics.
  3. Love how he bypasses this fact even when called out rofl.
  4. Do you ignore the national security risk of the invasion? That bill was garbage you dumbass and they don't need it to stop this invasion. By having the national guard serve as they should, dumbass. Next time, arm them with orders to open fire.
  5. Exactly, so why the the rush to force us to buy something where the technology isn't ready yet?
  6. Jax


    I like Planet Fitness, so I hope they do the right thing and prohibit predators in the womens lockers.
  7. You're the only one that plays gotcha games, never say anything worth anything and now we know you don't even stand behind the shit you talk about.
  8. Jax


    Instead of maga we need tab, take America back.
  9. Oh, they're playing games by lying and duping the public, typical lefty cheating mentality.
  10. I'm not attempting anything, it's a fact. You don't stand by all your talk. Your car will be sold to someone who needs it, it won't go directly to the landfill. However, if the problem is so crucial it won't matter as long as your oil consuming car doesn't pollute any longer. I never said leave it to consumers, our technology and our infrastructure isn't there, nor is it close or ready. Especially for a brain dead like Biden to impose his will. But go ahead and keep talking without actually ever backing it up or taking action. Enjoy paying the big, mean oil companies more money and polluting our air by driving your gas engine car.
  11. Dumbasses want to blame American citizens that don't want illegals invading their country and there's dipshits out there that haven't got a clue why but blame it on fear and bigotry. It's not just conservatives against the illegal invasion, it's not left vs right, dem vs repub, it's American citizens against dumbasses.
  12. Kind of like being scared of man made global warming...? White supremacy...? Oppression...? Scary statues...? Trump...? Oil...? Police...? Cal...? Guns...? Free speech...?
  13. I personally think EVs are cool but more damaging if we're talking about the environment. I'm sure the dipshits will think that's just oil talking though lol. Instead of tds I think lefties have hutas, head up their ass syndrome. Anyways, our infrastructure isn't even a fraction of where it needs to be to support what Biden just imposed on us by his dictatorship. Allow EVs to advance, better, lighter batteries, more safe components, etc. However, I don't give a shit too much about it, I like gas guzzlers just fine. Other than Bidens high gas prices.
  14. YOU may not need a new car right now, but the CLIMATE needs you to get a new ev, and you won't?? A hybrid?? After your big talk on EVs, what a joke.
  15. Yeah Biden tried passing a bill that targeted illegals being stopped or deported my ass. You gotta belong to some kind of dumbass cult to believe that rofl.
  16. 'The people' dipshit, meaning US citizens. Stop pretending you two dumbasses know anything. Stop being stupid by trying to infer race is the only reason illegal invaders shouldn't have guns. Dumbass cult
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