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Everything posted by Jax

  1. The murders and other crimes are already past old. If anyone still needs convinced about deporting illegals and securing the border then they are truly brain dead idiots.
  2. I know what you're getting at and I think you're right to a degree. We can't keep having 'threats' strip away and erode our rights and freedoms. We can't keep giving gov't the authoritative control over everything. However, with everything online and going electronic, we must secure our data infrastructure. If we have proof that apps like tic tok are being used by Chinese intelligence to gain any type of harmful data, then shouldn't we shut that down? What other measures are there? As you said, sooner or later it becomes politicized and 'they' have control to shut down whatever they feel like. Something truly needs done, I just don't have faith the gov't will use the proper way to do it. They'll design their little bills in such ways that they gain more and unexpected power.
  3. Thanks for that in depth stock analysis. Are you going to pretend to have any investing talent now?🙂
  4. Jax


    Maybe if the kid took 2 seconds to educate himself on the subject, otherwise he's just wasting everyones time. Which is why Kennedy brought up 4 year old tweets, because he knew it was a meaningless session. He was just a clown going to be an ass because he noticed less snow this year. Brain dead thought he had undeniable proof of something, hahaha. Furthermore, climate boy has no problem clearing out trees on hillsides or using all the machines that make his sport possible.
  5. Jax


    This is a brainwashed nutcase.
  6. Jax


    Another brainwashed idiot.
  7. Woody reminds me of a palm reader for some reason.
  8. Everyone but woody, which is why we always gotta explain it lol
  9. Apparently I missed the sarcasm? You don't make sense here.
  10. How do you know he spun it Syd? What's the real story here?
  11. Missed the point as usual. If all guns were taken how did they walk into a concert with any? Because gun laws only affect law abiding, ban all guns, criminals will still be armed. That's the point, not about concert goers carrying to protect themselves.
  12. Those dems are really going feral trying to eliminate their opposition. What happened to their speeches about democracy?? I thought we only had to worry about Trump doing that...
  13. But you guys are only saying that out of fear and cause they don't look like you ROFL. I shouldn't laugh, Woody pretends to be smart and cccp looks up to him.
  14. Unfortunately, that only matters in a fair, non-corrupt court. They literally changed the law just for him 🤣🤣🤔
  15. Most I notice offer nothing to contribute, and whine when anything you provide disagrees with their view. I noticed we probably have disagreed on a few things and yet never felt the need to yell at each other. I think it's a lefty condition and it spreads to others who don't quite follow along but think their opinion trumps others cause they think being in the middle is something new or only they are in the middle.
  16. When is Biden going to declare the border a crisis? When is he going to sign executive orders to secure our nation? When is he going to do anything to help? Does he need to wait on Trump to take care of it?? Is this what the dumbasses need? Trump to save us?
  17. He didn't even discuss in this one, he has a few videos, about the population growth these people have in our country. It's not about 'people that look different than us', it's about over population. In the case of illegals, you can add crime and culture. At least with normal immigration, which is what this video covers, these people respect our laws more so and the belief in America. While I'm sure there are a few illegals like that, by and large it looks more like the criminal element. But that's besides the point, a country, any country, must secure it's border.
  18. Another inconvenient truth for people The democrats sold out our country and it's security, I'm sure repubs didn't help either.
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