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Everything posted by Jax

  1. Jax


    We need reparations huh?
  2. Case in point skippy, these 'trespassers' weren't there for 30 days. She did not invite them, rent to them or give them permission in any manner to be there, yet she was arrested. Police have no right to warn you not to secure your house from trespassers. The main topic was about illegals providing a 'how to' on abusing our laws and taking advantage of citizens. Typically you leftist support the invasion, woody and cccp definitely do. What is your take on the invasion?
  3. Still defending the losers, unreal. Hey dumbass, did you miss the part where the actual homeowner came home before the 30 days and they still arrest her?
  4. 'Winning' should be his new campaign slogan Hey maybe if the lefties can file more bogus charges they can keep him off the ballots finally and they can rest easy at night. Funny how scared of Trump they are.
  5. The people of the United States don't now that the corrupt kangaroo court just made most Americans criminals. But thank goodness you got Trump, well sort of, well actually not yet huh? He keeps winning.
  6. Are you really this stupid lol. Inform me how I mentioned deepstate or is your brain frying from your head being shoved up your ass?
  7. Someone has to prove it for you, your too mstupid to do it yourself, dumbass. - dumbass cult
  8. Democrats trying to strip our rights away again, and again, and again.
  9. I love how we try to inform the brain dead left about illegals abusing the system, and they defend it by posting laws about how protected it is to steal someones property, as if it makes it ok and it's ok for illegals to to encourage and post videos on how to do it for the 3rd world to see. Ignoring the fact that this is the degenerate illegal base allowed to invade our country, assisted by the corrupt pos in office. Great contribution they are, morons.
  10. They're all rich pretending to be one of the working class when they all abuse the system. Some just happen to have corrupted the courts.
  11. You guys really do project, it's amazing. It's all you guys do. Everything can be a pandoras box. Guns aren't committing mass murder, people are. But, people aren't going away...
  12. You and woody need therapy and probably some prozac. Being Browns fans I don't want to see you guys miserable your entire life, get help, it's ok.
  13. Finally sticking up for gun rights it sounds like.
  14. Oh so now we care about where money comes from and who backers are.
  15. What about employees that use it and work at the electric company or such? Banking? The Chinese wouldn't be doing it if they weren't doing something with it, if that is the case.
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