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Everything posted by Jax

  1. Jax


    You don't always have to be an ass.
  2. New gov't tactics. A real, credible threat would deserve a court order and detainment maybe while they investigate. They started imprisoning Americans like foreign terrorists Jan 6th. Anyone surprised that was just a start? Or was the patriot act the start? They don't even vet all the illegals pouring in, but they have time to go door to door over meaningless social media posts? The guys could have at least dressed more like FBI agents, very unprofessional.
  3. Is that camera an expert though?
  4. Jax


    lol, I'll try to ctach it if I can since I got some free glasses from the bank, but not worried about it.
  5. This is a good honest answer. Just because you don't believe in the faith doesn't mean you have to pretend to be oblivious to the facts like our local lib.
  6. Notice how he always tries to derail the topic by stating something no one mentioned in this topic yet? And it always sidesteps the actual topic. Putting another day on top of one that already exists is asinine. Easter is a major holiday for the Christian nation and it's been a recognized holiday. What kind of pompous ass designates a traditional holiday with something else?
  7. Wow, FBI is really cracking down on our domestic terrorism. 🤨 That'll teach her to question the liberal communist machine.
  8. Jax


    Biden: helping to widen the wealth gap.
  9. Not sure what any of this means exactly, but kinda interesting.
  10. Is tik tok in the constitution?
  11. I don't recall you protesting gambling, driving, cigarette and alcohol bans for minors.
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