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Everything posted by Jax

  1. I'm surprised Harris hasn't said she doesn't need our votes to win yet.
  2. Strange pick that came out of the blue. I'm sure we'll begin to find out what he's been up to you soon. Left extremism as it's best. We need to be watch for all these left extremists.
  3. Throw a few Venezuelas in there with some chinas, Mexico, Haiti, Irans etc...
  4. While Harris, who no one voted for, hasn't been to Europe but does like to talk trash, Trump is busy talking about important issues with genius plans to fix the Biden/Harris destruction of the US.
  5. Did I miss something, it was the dude in blue shorts getting hit after the fight but the dude in red is the one who kicked the ring girl?? What did I miss?? Did he slip other shorts on?
  6. Are you going to house any that need homes?? We'll pick them for you since they are all such good little immigrants it won't matter.
  7. Hope everything goes well for you, stay safe.
  8. “George, now that you’re done yelling at me, let me answer. Talked about it on the stage yesterday in Atlanta for what? Two minutes? He spent more than 35-40 minutes going after her record, talking about how radical of a senator she was. She was the most liberal senator in the United States Senate. That is a fact. He talked about the job that she did as Vice President of the United States, a job, I will add, which has been a failure for the American people. I know you guys like to glom on to this that he talks about in jest or in a serious manner for about a minute or so, but what you do not cover is the litany of failures of Kamala Harris. That’s what you’re not covering, George.”
  9. Will the US response here help deter more conflict or will they aggravate the entire Middle East?
  10. Iran is warning Israel a barrage is coming. Are things heating up for war or is this posturing as usual? I've been busy and haven't had time for much more than headlines.
  11. I like the way this idiot just has to bash the barbershop people by mentioning what people calling in his show said about them. No one is allowed to have their own views and everyone who votes democrat is a genius and conservatives are low iq voters.
  12. Switching to pander votes is weakness in my eyes, especially if she really did claim to be Indian the majority or all the time before running for President. However, if she is half black and half indian then I think she can claim to be whatever she wants to be no matter the reason. I believe in politics though, it's a little different, identify as you wish but stick to it because the people need to know who they're supporting. Even come out and say you identify as both from the start, just don't start behaving in certain ways to match the stereotype. Because then you're no longer being your genuine self and just playing a role.
  13. This is all big brother stuff that ties into being cashless.
  14. These organizations that allow men to compete in women's sports is an embarrassment. Even if you're trans, go compete in the mens division. If you can't qualify or compete in those sports then welcome to the rest of the world. You're not kept out because of trans, you're kept out because you're not good enough athletically. Only the best qualified get to compete in their division. The IBF shot her down but the all inclusive olympic committee put social woke activism ahead of science, boxing regulations, women's rights and women's safety.
  15. Surrender to Hamas?? Hahaha, only dumbasses would vote for an administration that wants to surrender to terrorists. "Biden is clearly hoping that a ceasefire will defuse the situation and spare his party the embarrassment. In other words, the President of the United States is demanding an American ally surrender to terrorists for political gain. That's a wild development that would be a bona fide scandal if it involved a Republican. Again, how is Israel supposed to secure a hostage deal when Hamas refuses to agree to one outside of securing total victory in Gaza as a condition? That's never a question posed to Biden nor any other administration official, though it's the most obvious one surrounding this ordeal. Israel has repeatedly offered lopsided deals that would heavily benefit Hamas and they've all been rejected. What's left for them to offer except the complete preservation of Hamas as a governing authority? It would be suicidal for Israel to allow that. "
  16. Don't lie, that's exactly what we talk about. Problem is people like him are the exception and not what our normal talks are about, at all.
  17. Here you go thinking you're the authority of what we can debate again. It doesn't matter if it's not a trans topic because it's not about that when it comes to women's sports. It's about men competing in women's sports. When you mature you can join the debate, right now your childish immaturity only thinks of everything in racism, sexism and made up phobias.
  18. Is Riley the only one standing up for women's rights? That'd be great if Trump added her to his administration.
  19. This is my favorite, hahaha
  20. Oops, Biden just called her dei, lol. Not to mention, he says they don't erase history, but never mind all those statues.
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