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Everything posted by Jax

  1. The gun would be one piece of evidence, but you sure could prosecute if you had other evidence.
  2. This could be a back door to the 2A as well. Start shrinking the scope in which our freedom is exercised bit by bit and soon resistance is little and we become desensitized and there won't be much to fight for. I remember growing up and being encouraged to get out to hunt and fish, now the gov't wants to use our money to buy land to keep us out and restricted.
  3. I'm ok with the picks, not being in the 1st round takes the fun out of it. Then seeing Steelers and Ravens making good picks ahead of us sucks, but nothing new. This draft didn't interest me too much. Not just because of where we were picking but also because it all hinges on how well Watson plays this year. He doesn't have to be crazy good, just good enough to earn his keep.
  4. Not to make light of all these troubling trends but I blame Ricky Bobby!
  5. What makes it military grade are interchangeable parts. The select fire is actually the key difference, like it or not. Is it an effective firearm? Hell yeah. Unfortunately there are sick people in the world for every reason under the sun. It's just not honest or helpful to blame the violence on a group of people, politics, religion or whatever category and especially not on an inanimate object. At least not directly, it's a combination. This country was founded using the United States Constitution and that's how it became one of the greatest nations of all time. If we get back to that simple foundation, things could turn around. You don't have to believe in God, but you should strive for the same principles. I fear we may be past that tipping point. Illegal immigration, subverting our schools, corrupt politicians, lobbying, damaged legal/court system and all media telling you how to think instead of simply providing evidenced backed facts. So many things to dive into here, I haven't made up my mind on the root of all evil. Is it politicians or corporations that dictate laws and regulations? Anyways, not to stray too far from guns, if you have a real understanding of what principles this country was founded on and made it great you would stop blaming guns, type of guns and start looking at the people behind it. We need to get back national pride and stop all this victim, excuse making bullshit. It won't stop though because then the corrupt politicians/media couldn't profit from it.
  6. https://thecmp.org/ Each summer, the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) sponsors a popular series of Junior Rifle Camps and Clinics to teach intermediate and advanced rifle marksmanship skills to junior shooters and their adult leaders. Camps are open to any and all entrants (limited only by number, age, grade level and/or gender). All camps are one week long, with the exception of the Outreach Clinics and the Advanced Standing Camps. CMP offers camps for both Smallbore and Air Rifle. For questions, please contact Ryan Hinson, CMP Junior Rifle Camp Coordinator at 419-635-2141 ext. 707, or rhinson@thecmp.org, or Alana Kelly, CMP Junior Rifle Camp Registrations, at 419-635-2141 ext. 751, or akelly@thecmp.org.
  7. You mean they would at least have a fighting chance?? Oh no.
  8. This has been going on for ages.
  9. Comparing England to naming anything to traitors is 100% different. We lived in North America, not on the mainland and all of us stayed here. Also, the 'traitors' won so it's even a different outcome. We were talking about Benning and Bragg, they were opened in 1918. I don't think there was a civil rights movement back then. I'm going to assume that the majority of these names and statues happened before that as well and maybe only a handful 'might' have been named in counter to the civil rights movement. Though who cares, move on. The only reason it's an issue today is because of the political movement to falsely create this narrative of white supremacy. Normal society doesn't equate everything southern to slavery, in fact it's never on our minds. If you are hung up on slavery, there is a lot still going on today that maybe you could actually 'do' something about. Also, it's an absolute big deal we're focused on these trivial matters because all the others are being ignored or made worse. Otherwise, you'd be correct though it's just not the case. If these things were named to cause hurt then sure they should change, but a lot of people who are still Americans have southern heritage and they should absolutely be able to honor them in the ways they have. There is nothing wrong with southern pride, as Cysko said, we are from the north but we still recognize them as Americans and not traitors. It's such an elementary viewpoint not to understand the concept of a civil war. What's even more absurd is changing all these Indian names, such as river and creeks. When I see those names I assume they refer to local tribes and it's a nice way to honor them. But it seems people want to twist their meanings to further their agendas. Anyways, after these name changes it'll be great that the world can finally be at peace and we can all get along in harmony. (I understand you may have head this talking point before but I assure you I just typed out my own common sense as these things you're bickering about don't mean enough to me for actual research, except to check on dates when the forts were named) So you know, just because you heard of a talking point doesn't somehow discount or trivialize it either. In any case, your counter was deficient. I'm also pretty sure there was no such recording as a US Army during the civil war, thus the title 'civil war'.
  10. Aren't we all traitors anyways? What was the American Revolution? I'm pretty sure today, we can recognize the fact that the civil war was a war we wish didn't have to happen but it doesn't mean we ignorantly label people that fought in the war, no matter what side they were on, just because you want to tie it to some political movement of today. It was a different time for a young America. To keep in context of renaming of military bases It seems as though some of the names were picked simply because of location, the south naming their own camps after southerners. At this point in time, who cares? These are still Americans and we can absolutely honor them for their place in battle instead of their political views, within reason. These bases built their own reputation over time and that's whats connected to hearing their names, I doubt most people would even know who these bases were named for or cared until it served as some type of lame political movement. That's why people are protesting it, not for the actual names of who they represent, but because of the lame political reasons. Maybe the names do need changed, but given today's political environment, it might be best to show focus on greater needs such as oil, inflation and illegal immigration. Those hurt a lot worse than any name. If we're going to erase anything attached to the name Benning, does that mean democrats get erased since he was one?
  11. I have not but I'm 51. Thanks
  12. Hi, I'm from Youngstown and been lurking this board for years. Always great to get a little extra insight to what's going on.
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