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Everything posted by Jax

  1. The fans will be angry? Ooh, way to make it sound scary. And threats? That's definitely grounds, you got me. Great analogy. Totally the same thing. Not my logic or logic at all, but we'll go with it.
  2. That's how it works, a company does something a person doesn't believe in, we have every right not to spend our money there. You guys are the triggered ones, we didn't like what we seen and we acted appropriately. You guys didn't seem to have a problem forcing small business owners to decorate cakes that went against their religious beliefs.
  3. Yep, typical hypocritical response. Melt down over someone protesting and call them snowflakes. At least these actually are peaceful protests.
  4. How did the little 7 year old girl feel when he forcefully grabbed her and dragged her down a street to do who knows what to? He's had plenty of victims and would have had plenty more, I feel bad the marine was left to defend everyone in such a way.
  5. The second he put other innocent peoples lives in danger. He should have been locked up for 20+ just for kidnapping a 7 yr old girl. These aren't petty rules they are breaking, maybe you forget what makes a society civil, it's laws. You can't redefine laws by calling them rules. Punching an old woman in the face and breaking her face isn't against the rules, it's against the law. That's not down on your luck, that's criminal. Don't try to mix actual help we try to provide for people who need it to people who are flat out criminals. You didn't catch me in a glorified Woody gotcha moment, he's a piece of trash that violently assaults and kidnaps people. Let's lock him in a room with your kids and see if your sympathy changes. There's no help for these people and it's more humane to protect the people they victimize. Liberal blah blah all you want but it's the truth, these liberal judges and DAs are setting criminals free to the point where more and more people get hurt. We need stricter punishment. If there's nothing in place to stop them from going down that road then so be it, but the answer is not to let them to continue hurting others.
  6. Again, he was threatening people, he wasn't merely asking for food as you've been lied to. Mental illness does not excuse being a threat. A real choke hold from someone trying to kill someone else takes less than a minute, not 15. That further proves he was just trying to control him, not hurt him. You keep trying to twist this to fit a narrative that just isn't true. It's very tiring to quote everything made up detail you say. He's not a sub class, he's a violent piece of trash. The system you mention needing changed to address this issue is your liberal institute of slapping them on the wrists and turning them loose on an innocent society.
  7. Actually, the media machine tried to paint him as some poor mentally ill guy that was down on his luck and only kindly asking for food. They tried to spin the truth so hard people like you can't keep up with the facts. He was terrorizing and threatening people on that train in which they couldn't even get away from him. At least 3 individuals felt the need to subdue him, one of them was black. Luckily no innocent person was harmed or killed while usually everyone just stands by. No one served him a death penalty drama queen, though it didn't look good to go back and watch, it was an accident that he died. You go try and subdue a psycho who is threatening to kill people and let me know how easy it is. Even the charges they were forced to bring were manslaughter charges, not murder. Stop victimizing the criminals all the while blaming the true victims. Hard to do when all you want to do is prove how racist everything is no matter how baseless that is. So again, if he wasn't behaving in a manner that was threatening, he wouldn't have brought this on himself.
  8. She has a nice graduation robe on, what exactly is her problem?
  9. Sounds like Vagi is developing Browns optimism before the season starts, wait until he comes up with excuses why they miss the play offs and they'll fix it in the draft. And it wouldn't be any fun if we didn't haze each other, Squeeler!
  10. It's great to have an offense that can move the ball but there's something about having a D that annihilates offenses I like better. I know I'm setting myself up to be miserable but that's just post season Browns tradition.
  11. Speaking English is racist and we need inclusion and equity for all, plus it may contribute to climate change.
  12. I'd love any and all corruption to be punished to the maximum, but let's start with the one sitting in office and his son first.
  13. Wtf I see someone has been deep diving into made up propaganda. I hate asking a question over nonsense but I'm curious, what is the original and new definition of white as you see it? Mind you, to even suggest a term is ludicrous. A white definition lol. Purest whites...rofl, man I hate to laugh but it's either that or cry. What is wrong with you?
  14. Everything is going to skyrocket in price and be less reliable. These people are truly trash. It's so bad it has to be by design.
  15. In all fairness, she said "most other people think rape is sexy". As in the people that rape. As far as this case goes though, I don't know a single thing about it. I couldn't tell you if she's telling the truth or not.
  16. You still can't understand the spirit our rights though you've probably seen it explained a million times. We already have more than basic regulations. So when you want to talk about how evil the ar 15 is, it becomes a weapon of mass destruction capable of killing from 2 towns over. Now you represent it as some feeble piece of scrap that can't shoot out of a paper bag. Which is it? Furthermore, I think the Afghans did pretty well against our military strength with aks and sheep. Can't compare us to other nations except they're not as safe as you think.
  17. You're not disagreeing with me, you're falling in line to strip away our rights. Most people can comprehend the reason for our rights and why it's important to set those limits on gov't. Or should I say 'the classic "what about the children" argument'?? Care to show me some research that proves banning guns saves children from violence? Last I seen murder is already a law yet no one seems to follow it except the law abiding.
  18. You can't rationalize with people over whether or not banning guns will stop the shootings or violence. The people at the top that raise that argument only do so to disarm us. They do not care about the shootings but they sure did get all the little lemmings to line up and think they're doing good.
  19. Pittsburgh was just always tough even without Ben, they were almost never out of a game with us no matter the score or time left. And it was bad when we made him scramble, to see him chugging for the sidelines with guys in hot pursuit I knew a big play was following. Steelers just had our number for too long now. We had the Chiefs game in the palm of our hands.
  20. You sound even more hateful than an entire group of racist and you spend way too much energy on worrying about who a person likes or doesn't like.
  21. Again, you need evidence, sometimes even a gun alone is not enough. Hell, you 'could' even get a conviction without a body.
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