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Everything posted by Jax

  1. Aren't we all traitors anyways? What was the American Revolution? I'm pretty sure today, we can recognize the fact that the civil war was a war we wish didn't have to happen but it doesn't mean we ignorantly label people that fought in the war, no matter what side they were on, just because you want to tie it to some political movement of today. It was a different time for a young America. To keep in context of renaming of military bases It seems as though some of the names were picked simply because of location, the south naming their own camps after southerners. At this point in time, who cares? These are still Americans and we can absolutely honor them for their place in battle instead of their political views, within reason. These bases built their own reputation over time and that's whats connected to hearing their names, I doubt most people would even know who these bases were named for or cared until it served as some type of lame political movement. That's why people are protesting it, not for the actual names of who they represent, but because of the lame political reasons. Maybe the names do need changed, but given today's political environment, it might be best to show focus on greater needs such as oil, inflation and illegal immigration. Those hurt a lot worse than any name. If we're going to erase anything attached to the name Benning, does that mean democrats get erased since he was one?
  2. I have not but I'm 51. Thanks
  3. Hi, I'm from Youngstown and been lurking this board for years. Always great to get a little extra insight to what's going on.
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