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Everything posted by Jax

  1. Do they actually think Trump is going to jail? Hahaha I really do wish someone was around to to hold any and all politicians accountable though.
  2. When I was in a union they gave it to us as a holiday. Whether it's a holiday or not, both Republican and Democrats have the same rules. I'll take it as a holiday though, hell yeah. I never turn down a paid day off work. So, how are they making it harder? I'm sure you can't answer because you don't have an answer and were just setting me up somehow, but I'll ask again.
  3. You can't go around saying what all of my teachers ever taught in school? Like Cal stated, I guess only the left can do or say whatever they want. https://www.aclu.org/news/free-speech/some-schools-need-lesson-students-free-speech-rights
  4. It's almost comical how insane they are. -Nothing is solved by tearing down a statue -I'd say you're showing your ignorance again on Columbus
  5. I give the triggered left the benefit of the doubt that at least they knew the names of some of the statues that they were triggered by all of the sudden. That was probably a mistake, I bet the vast majority had no idea who any of the statues represented, not even George Washington or Columbus. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/06/erasing-history-statue-revolutionary-war-hero-removed-city/ Now, the city hall in Albany, NY has removed a statue of Philip Schuyler, a Revolutionary War hero and the father-in-law of Alexander Hamilton. The people behind this move claim it was because Schuyler owned slaves, but that is nothing more than a progressive excuse to tear down American symbols. That argument is straight off of a liberal college campus. Chipper said it best....7 of 10 citizens of Albany couldn't ID Schuyler and 9 out of 10 wouldn't have known he was a slave owner. These kooks do not know to be offended until someone tells them to be offended. And they say Trump / MAGA is a cult....
  6. Good thing he was armed or he'd be a victim. And I think that reporters outfit was more frightening.
  7. Do you intentionally ignore what we actually say or can't you comprehend? Biological sex is a fact and even though you're willing to accept it as such, the community you're trying to defend does not see it that way at all. It comes straight from their own mouths. Gender identity is a mental issue, in all but maybe the tiniest of fractions. Still, no one gives two shits about it until they start grooming kids and forcing us to play out their delusions with them. Call us whatever name you want, we'll stick with reality and it has nothing to do with being bigoted. Again, stop putting words in everyone's mouths. Everyone is different in a shit ton of different ways, and a ton of people are picked on for it, trans is no one special, they can be picked on just like everyone else. Most people probably disapprove of them because of the sexual nature, it doesn't belong in public and it sure the hell doesn't belong in a school of any type. I don't want to see regular people twerking in public and I don't want to see shit from trans either. Of course I'm referencing the trans that behave and dress vulgar. Problem is you can't lump the entire group of trans into one party and say they all want the same thing. Again, a shit ton of people wish they could feel comfortable in their own body, trans is no one special. No one wants to be picked on or persecuted by anyone, yet most people don't flaunt their sexuality in everyones faces then play the victim card after they are the ones harassing people. As far as I see, there are no political handlers in this other wise the perverts wouldn't have infiltrated our school system to openly groom kids. People like you are the ones buying into their false persecution. A lot of people have also made a very valid point as well, it's just becoming a trend and I guess all that grooming is having it's intended effect. You can also argue that big pharma is also doing it's share to promote it's gender blocking drugs so it can get it's share of cash flow. Do you have any better debate topics though other than we think they're weird?
  8. Where was there any consequence? They stopped him from even exercising his right, see the difference?
  9. What makes you think I'd waste my time reading anything about how great oil is or would listen to anyone about how great anything is? The thought of switching to some super efficient car would be great, but reality is we just aren't ready. Why the hell our politicians would force this change to hurry and dump gas cars is beyond me. There's places that can't even keep power on during a normal storm, but you want to have everyone on our electrical grid charging their little cars all at the same time? Something has to be advanced in battery technology, until then I guess the oil industry wins.
  10. The old 'whatever facts and common sense you state doesn't matter because oil is behind it' counter. Should we all grab our tin foil hats?
  11. What part of 1st amendment being violated didn't you get? Why does a kid get persecuted for stating a fact? You just want to post Cal out of context so you could say something dumb about nazis
  12. You're getting there. Now, why should anyone be forced to call them by their imaginary feelings? We feel the same btw, we don't care how they live either, until they force us to live it with them. Now that's not good enough, it has to be celebrated everywhere, kids need to attend sexual shows, it doesn't end with them just living the way they want. If it did, no one would care as they haven't for decades, trannies aren't new. You're right, this is part of some dumb culture war, but it wasn't started by your conservative friends. Also, crt is one of the most hateful, bigoted things they tried to sneak in. I don't even separate the gay community from myself. I support them being married at the very least on the legal level. If it's something the church doesn't want to get involved in is not much of my business, but I will say, we're supposed to let God be the judge. Calling someone by pronouns doesn't hurt you, but calling them pronouns that are common shouldn't hurt them either. A face on syrup or butter shouldn't hurt either. The name Indians for a baseball team shouldn't hurt. This is where all the bitching starts that you were just moaning about, we're just forced to react to all this craziness.
  13. Just goes to show their agenda. At first it's just celebrating someone who was a woman for a year, what's the harm? Never mind the fact he never even truly transitioned in the least. They can't stop because it was their plan all along. No one I know even cares about any of these people, they literally started crying victim when no one gave 2 shits about them. I still don't understand what they are standing up against. I just can't believe people actually buy into this crap that they allow it to touch the schools, let alone allow all these freaky teachers I've seen that even come out and tell you they are grooming the kids they teach. What happened to being professional on top of that? Teachers shouldn't be showing up in rainbow hair colors and all that crap.
  14. In these videos he's only talking about normal legal immigration, yet we allow an invasion.
  15. Why anyone would support illegal immigration/invasion in the first place is beyond stupid. Do these people feel that much better about themselves thinking they provided some type of humanitarian relief to these illegals? There was an old video on youtube about immigration gumballs from 1999. Let me grab link real quick...basically, there is so much poverty in the world that immigration is not the answer. You're not even helping those that come here illegally because if they're not exploited, they're probably not even lifting themselves up, they just suck off our resources and live as they did before. I never understood why our borders aren't protected. This isn't about politics or being liberal or conservative and has zero to do with Trump other than he was at least willing to address the issue. This is about protecting our nation and it's citizens. The video talks about the need for a ton of new schools, roads and such but I always worried about the other affects. These people put a drain on our medical care, federal assistance, housing, social security, food supply and just an over all drain on all our resources. Now you can talk about the diseases they bring over, the gangs, violence, drugs, sexual assaults and a hatred for our country and it's people. These illegals even take away the funds and resources we use for our own homeless/mentally ill/jobless citizens that need it. They help divide a nation that's already being divided by politicians, media and activists. Anyone that supports even legal immigration should study this video and understand every word.
  16. Can someone show me where exactly someone, anyone said it didn't happen? Why on earth are they rambling on about something no one ever said?
  17. I think we have enough on offense for now until Watson starts proving himself. We were in a lot of games last year with a qback no one gave much chance to. I'd like to keep seeing the defense improve right now.
  18. Not sure if it's been mentioned yet but besides whatever the feds were doing while at the peaceful rally, they must have had plenty of time to prepare and organize. Which means they knew well in advance of what to expect. If they knew in advance then they had everything under control as much as they wanted. If they didn't want a single soul to enter the building then it would have been secured for the size crowd they knew would be in attendance. I'm not excusing the people that were dumb enough to vandalize and such, but this isn't the big deal that everyone makes it. It's almost as if the only reason they keep talking about it is because they have nothing else they can blame Trump for. And those poor prisoners, the non violent ones, let them go already.
  19. "The definition of white has constantly changed over the years. The "purest" whites lose power and then the group extends to claim more people as white. Nothing new. " - Woody
  20. So tell me, exactly what did Stewart Rhodes do?? He didn't even enter the building.
  21. Yet you seem to think Biden is the better candidate...ignore inflation and illegals and crime and all the rest right? It's just crazy right wing conspiracy, drinking the kool aid. The receipts I see at the grocery store and gas stations are fake news. Actually, I've always considered myself a democrat, that's when I believed they stood up for the working class. Until that party stops promoting sanctuary crap, socialism, communism, division, woke crap, anti white rhetoric, stripping gun rights, faking climate change I will lean towards voting conservative.
  22. I see Hoorta is as intelligent as the other couple. Complains about name calling then proceeds to bash everyone instead of saying anything of worth.
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