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Everything posted by Jax

  1. Biden knew all along his debt forgiveness wouldn't pass, even Pelosi stated as such in 2021. This was all a crap show to garner votes, and now you watch all the suckers that thought taxpayers owed them anything cry. But don't worry, they're not giving up and will fight for you as they come out with another plan, all you have to do is vote them in again during the next election cycle.
  2. You mean, not accept you with your 4.0 grade average because they had to make room for someone that barely passed high school all because you didn't fit the description? Thankfully, the SC just put a stop to this discrimination.
  3. You say the dumbest things, anything to make it twist to whatever delusional crap in your propagandist little mind. Inflation is on the idiot you elected, enjoy. Modern? It's always been expensive and it's always been a burden to pay back, the answer lies in the college cost and loan terms, not giving free hand outs from the taxpayers. If people want to pull themselves up, as everyone does, it's on them to do it. I too had to go to college at night while I worked day turns. No one handed me anything and I went to a community college, nothing special, and I didn't cry over a bunch of bullshit excuses. Sure there are those that can afford bigger and better schools, maybe because of generational wealth, but that's ok. I'm not part of that crowd but you don't need a Harvard degree to be a lawyer. Furthermore, many of us have kids that go to college, so explain how the older lot wouldn't understand?? You can't because as you always do, you say things that aren't true and talk out of your ass like it's a fact.
  4. This is what should guide them, our constitution, and that's it.
  5. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/06/great-clarence-thomas-demolishes-bidens-race-baiting-supreme/
  6. I love how they call them anti-abortionist instead of pro-lifers. Also, extreme anti abortionists, if this is how they report then why not say BLM as extreme anti-whites? ...and ofcourse "all the republicans have come out of the woodwork to pounce"...lol
  7. Jax

    The End

    I don't think it's a bad idea to conserve or protect the environment, but it needs to be done with real planning and understanding. Remove the political corruption and this false belief we have to do it overnight. If you really want to start protecting the environment, I'd start with a densely populated island somewhere and vaccinate everyone, this should reduce consumption and waste. (joking of course)
  8. That was cool. I don't even think they could barely see out of the thing, I just don't get it. I took a sub ride in Aruba but it was only 100' and the water is very clear, that was a cool ride with plenty of windows.
  9. I'm still riding my Trek Y frame I bought in the 90s, but now that you just jinxed it I may have to sell it. A sub with billionaires searching for the titanic is a better story line than migrants in another failed attempt to invade some country. If you were in charge of the media and it's profits, what are you going to air more of? I know Obama told you guys what to think on the subject so it's understandable. Never take your eyes off the race baiting, that's what made Obama so good, he could redirect the herd to focus on division. The point of what Steve posted was about media distraction from other events like the Biden corruption.
  10. Are you referring to gun control nuts here?
  11. This is how critical race theory started 20+ years ago, indoctrinate a bunch of naive morons then they go out and spread that abomination so other brainless morons suck it up.
  12. Sounds racist to me. Why don't you start lashing out at white supremacy again? I remember an old post from Nickers how he really feels about blacks, so most here that would recall already knows he's far from racist.
  13. Who said accept it? Everyone states time and again what the real problems are.
  14. RFK to be Trumps VP would be great, though I have a feeling he's only saying things conservatives want to hear.
  15. Gun control nuts don't care about the constitution, rights, freedoms or facts. Don't even waste your time explaining, which you did a good job of by the way. It's just amusing watching them spout off their ignorance.
  16. I never said to ban cars, I showed you the difference. Can you stay in context? One is a right the other a privilege, one the gov't can regulate and the other they can't. When a gun control nut starts whining about a gun shooting but ignores all other deaths, I know they're just ignorant and lack iq.
  17. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/06/rapper-kodak-blacks-lawyer-slams-dojs-prison-free/ -"The same DOJ sent rappers Lil Wayne and Kodak Black to prison for years on gun charges. Both rappers were granted a pardon by President Donald Trump."
  18. hat amendment along with the constitution and spirit that lies within is what made our nation great. You don't just gloss over our constitutional amendments because you think you know better than everyone else. You have no clue what this nation was founded on or it's principles. Well, now you know. It doesn't make our country safer, are you ever going to catch on? Also, how's all the regulations on cars working out? People still dying I see. When are you gun control nuts going to learn the constitution?
  19. Loved our football/baseball radio announcers Tom/Jim Jimmy/Doug, the best there is. It really sucked to hear Doug retiring
  20. They don't interview the guy, they harass him in a hostile interrogation.
  21. Driving is a privilege. Right to bear arms shall not be infringed is a right. See the difference? You don't care about the deaths of anyone, just as long as you feel good taking away the rights of others. You could solve all the car related deaths and injuries but since you personally find use in cars, the deaths don't matter.
  22. Sorry, I didn't think whining deserved much more of a response. Even Hillary was laughing...
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