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  1. https://www.westernjournal.com/fact-check-no-kamala-abe-lincoln-not-refuse-nominate-supreme-court-justice-election-year/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=teaparty&utm_campaign=lminetwork&utm_content=2020-10-08 Lincoln did not send a nominee to the Senate in October of 1864, that much is true. That’s because the Senate was out of session until December of that election year, so Lincoln was forced to wait to nominate a successor for Taney. Salmon P. Chase was nominated to replace Taney on Dec. 6, 1864, and was confirmed by the Senate nine days later on Dec. 15, 1864, according to the Supreme Court Historical Society. Chase would serve as chief justice until his death in 1873. Do you think Vice President Mike Pence won Wednesday's debate? Yes No Completing this poll entitles you to The Western Journal news updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. So it was not that Lincoln refused to nominate a Supreme Court justice, McLauglin wrote. The Senate’s schedule, and practical politics in the midst of the carnage of the Civil War, dictated Lincoln’s action.
  2. I wish no harm to anyone unlike the Dems wishing DEATH on people!
  3. Politics Texas mayoral candidate arrested for mail-in ballot fraud https://www.dallasnews.com/news/crime/2020/10/08/carrollton-mayoral-candidate-arrested-faces-109-felony-charges-related-to-voter-fraud-police-say/
  4. 'SQUAD'S' AMERICA Progressives release agenda to push Biden to left
  5. https://www.dawgsbynature.com/2020/10/6/21501914/we-sent-rashard-higgins-out-to-get-sandwiches-and-he-never-came-back
  6. https://www.lawenforcementtoday.com/bidens-texas-political-director-accused-in-illegal-ballot-harvesting/ Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) proposes bill banning ballot harvesting for 2020 election WASHINGTON, DC- It’s hard to believe that Joe Biden was the best the Democrats could do. One candidate who was largely ignored during the Democratic primaries was Hawaii representative Tulsi Gabbard. While she did embrace a number of pretty left positions, overall she seemed one of the most reasonable out of the bunch. And this week, she showed one reason why. Along with Republican Rep. Rodney Davis (R-IL), they introduced the Election Fraud Prevention Act, an amendment to the Help America Vote Act of 2002, which would ban federal payments to states that allow ballot harvesting, according to Breitbart News. Ballot harvesting, which was credited with flipping seven House seats in California in 2018, was cleared for use this past week by a Michigan judge. The process of ballot harvesting is ripe for fraud, with political operatives being permitted to collect and deliver as many ballots as they choose. Clearly it is possible for some of these operatives to commit fraud in the process. And, while the so-called harvesters are not supposed to be paid, loopholes allow them to be paid in most cases. Rep. Gabbard noted that reform is necessary in order to ensure that special interest groups don’t corrupt the election process. In a statement, Gabbard said: “This bill protects assistance from family members, household members, and caregivers as well as election officials and mail carriers acting in their official capacity. Voters will still have assistance, if they need it, to turn in their vote, but this bill makes sure that third-party special interest groups don’t get between voters and the ballot box.” Under the proposed legislation, states would only be allowed to have election officials, mail carriers, family members, and caregivers of the voter.
  7. Democrats' mail voting pivot https://www.axios.com/democrats-mail-voting-pivot-838522b7-8dac-42b4-a566-1ba93818654d.html
  8. And N. Korea stopped launching missiles! Good Call Tex! Just like Texas holdem!
  9. Sports28 mins ago NBA to leave BLM, social justice messaging 'off the floor' next season, says Commissioner Adam Silver
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