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Everything posted by Vambo

  1. GERMS UNMASKED Biden lowers mask to cough into hand in viral video
  2. You are stupid...TDS has rotted your brain.
  3. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/progressives-including-squad-release-agenda-to-push-a-biden-adminstration-left The Working Families Party "People's Charter" calls for free public healthcare, universal childcare, creating millions of green jobs, canceling student debt, a $15 minimum wage and shifting money away from police departments and toward investments in schools and communities. The release of the ambitious liberal policy agenda comes in the shadow of the vice presidential debate where Sen. Kamala Harris, seen by the left as a lifeline into a Biden Administration, distanced herself from progressive priorities -- including the Green New Deal, which she once co-sponsored.
  4. Sure he was just going to move it to the legal distance...lol Should he have gone the door and told the woman the sign needed to be moved? Play stupid games get stupid prizes.
  5. RE-WRITING HISTORY Washington Post slams Harris for botching 'little' lesson about Honest Abe
  6. Said the asshole who talked about someone's dead mother...Hypocrite!
  7. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/irreparable-damage-over-6-000-scientists-sign-petition-calling-for-end-of-coronavirus-lockdowns "As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection,” states the petition, which was signed by over 2,800 medical and public health scientists, over 3,700 medical practitioners, and over 60,000 private citizens, according to Newsweek. "Current lockdown policies are producing devastating effects on short and long-term public health."
  8. Biden falsely claims Obama gave 18,000 people clemency, was actually less than 2,000 https://www.foxnews.com/media/biden-falsely-obama-18000-people-clemency
  9. https://www.foxnews.com/media/debate-moderator-steve-scully-raises-eyebrows-with-tweet-asking-scaramucci-should-i-respond-to-trump "What? Why is the next presidential debate moderator publicly asking one of Trump’s staunchest critics in Anthony Scaramucci if he should respond to the president? In a related story, Scully once interned for Sen. Joe Biden. Optics here are horrible & underscore mistrust is media," The Hill media reporter Joe Concha tweeted.
  10. BACK IN ACTION Trump can return to 'public engagements' this weekend, White House physician says
  11. https://www.westernjournal.com/fact-check-no-kamala-abe-lincoln-not-refuse-nominate-supreme-court-justice-election-year/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=teaparty&utm_campaign=lminetwork&utm_content=2020-10-08 Lincoln did not send a nominee to the Senate in October of 1864, that much is true. That’s because the Senate was out of session until December of that election year, so Lincoln was forced to wait to nominate a successor for Taney. Salmon P. Chase was nominated to replace Taney on Dec. 6, 1864, and was confirmed by the Senate nine days later on Dec. 15, 1864, according to the Supreme Court Historical Society. Chase would serve as chief justice until his death in 1873. Do you think Vice President Mike Pence won Wednesday's debate? Yes No Completing this poll entitles you to The Western Journal news updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. So it was not that Lincoln refused to nominate a Supreme Court justice, McLauglin wrote. The Senate’s schedule, and practical politics in the midst of the carnage of the Civil War, dictated Lincoln’s action.
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