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Everything posted by Vambo

  1. You just keep the LIES flowing...
  2. He also posted a CNN poll. He did lie said he had me on ignore but keeps replying to my posts...strange ignore function!
  3. What a LIAR you turned out to be!
  4. https://www.stripes.com/news/veterans/trump-signs-veteran-suicide-prevention-measures-into-law-1.649147 “This new law combines the best ideas from veterans, veterans service organizations, the VA, and mental health care advocates to deliver innovative solutions that’ll help heal invisible wounds of war through increased access to care, alternate therapies and local treatment options,” Tester said in a statement. Most notably, the bill will offer up to $174 million during the next five years to state and local groups that provide suicide-prevention services to veterans and their families. Lawmakers believe the program will create better collaboration between the organizations and the VA. They think the partnership will result in earlier identification of veterans who are at risk of suicide, giving mental health providers more time to intervene. The bill is called the Commander John Scott Hannon Veterans Mental Health Care Improvement Act, named for a retired Navy commander who died by suicide in 2018 at age 46.
  5. If I remember correctly there were a couple of the parents who were deported and the children were with relatives. Some didn't have the proper paper work and they could not be verified as the parents. Some were second offenders who were jailed and the children were in child protective custody.(DHS)
  6. I think it had a lot to do with Trump calling her out ahead of time showing the bias that he faced before. My only criticism of Trump was the question on the families in Texas the way the question was asked I feel he could have answered the question better. I feel Kristen Walker should have called Biden out on all the obvious lies. Biden just lied 90% of the time and did not have a clue on most of the issues other than blaming Trump for all ills.
  7. 'PARANOID' ABOUT JOE'S SECRET Hunter associate says he was warned on revealing ex-VP's link to son's deals Hunter Biden's ex-business partner Tony Bobulinski confirmed on Thursday that he met with former Vice President Joe Biden regarding his son's business dealings and alleged that someone involved with the controversy had warned him about coming forward. "I was told this past Sunday by somebody who was also involved in this matter that if I went public, this information -- it would 'bury all of us, man,'" Bobulinski alleged. Bobulinski went on to accuse the former vice president of lying about his involvement with his son's business dealings, and indicated that his family sought to conceal his activities. Specifically, Bobulinski alleges he met with the former vice president on May 2, 2017, introduced by his son, Hunter and brother, Jim. HUNTER BIDEN BUSINESS ASSOCIATE'S TEXT MESSAGES INDICATE MEETING WITH JOE BIDEN "At my approximately hour-long meeting with Joe that night we discussed the Bidens' history, the Bidens' family business plans with the Chinese, with which he was plainly familiar, at least at a high level," Bobulinski said. Fox News previously obtained text messages from Bobulinski, a retired lieutenant in the U.S. Navy, and the former CEO of SinoHawk Holdings, which he said was the partnership between the CEFC/ Chairman Ye and the two Biden family members. His latest comments came just before the final presidential debate, which President Trump invited him to attend. Fox News previously reported on explosive email thread, initially released by the New York Post, which purportedly showed an equity split that would benefit "the big guy," who sources said was Joe Biden. The email includes a note that “Hunter has some office expectations he will elaborate.” A proposed equity split references “20” for “H” and “10 held by H for the big guy?” with no further details. WHO IS TONY BOBULINSKI, HUNTER BIDEN'S FORMER BUSINESS ASSOCIATE? "In that email, there is no question that 'H' stands for Hunter, 'big guy' for his father, Joe Biden, and Jim for Jim Biden," Bobulinski said. "In fact, Hunter often referred to his father as the big guy or "my chairman." On numerous occasions, it was made clear to me that Joe Biden's involvement was not to be mentioned in writing but only face-to-face. In fact, I was advised by [James] Gillier and [Rob] Walker that Hunter and Jim Biden were paranoid about keeping Joe Biden's involvement secret." Declining to take questions, Bobulinski presented three phones he said contained corroborating evidence. He added that he would be meeting with a Senate committee the following day.
  8. Politics Pelosi's response when asked about Biden 'corruption' allegations
  9. 'KEY DOMESTIC CONTACTS' Email from Biden's brother names Harris, Schumer as prospects for Chinese firm
  10. A CUT FOR 'THE BIG GUY' Hunter Biden's ex-partner says former VP stood to cash in on China deal 'KEY DOMESTIC CONTACTS'? Harris, top Dems identified as 'target projects' for Chinese by Biden's brother Attachments: Memo re key phase one domestic contacts.docxFrom: Jim Biden <jbiden@lionhallgp.com>Sent: Monday, May 15, 2017 12:56 PMTo: James Gilliar <james.gilliar@eei-group.com>Cc: Tony Bobulinski <TBobulinski@nazent.com>; Hunter <rhbdc@icloud.com>; Rob Walker<rob@pilotgrowth.com>Subject: Phase one domestic contacts/projects1 / 1 May 15, 2017 RE: Key domestic contacts for phase one target projects 1. New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo is moving forward with major infrastructure projects such as the long-stalled Tappan Zee Bridge replacement and the much-needed redevelopment of LaGuardia Airport. His administration has invested nearly $4 billion through the Regional Council and Upstate Revitalization initiatives to jumpstart the economy and support local priorities for development. Governor Cuomo has also restored fiscal discipline to state government – which has enabled major investments in New York’s future. Governor Cuomo closed a $10 billion deficit in his first budget, and state spending has grown by less than 2% each year since he took office. The state also enacted its first ever property tax cap to keep communities affordable for homeowners, renters and businesses, and every New Yorker now pays a lower tax rate than they did before the Governor took office. Prior to serving as governor, Cuomo served as the Attorney General of New York State. In 1997, he was appointed by President Clinton to serve as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Under his leadership, HUD was transformed from a wasteful and inefficient bureaucracy to an effective driver of economic development and housing opportunities. His work earned HUD the prestigious “Innovations in American Government Award” from the Ford Foundation and the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University on three different occasions.Howard Zemsky, Commissioner of the New York Department of Economic Development and CEO of Empire State Development (ESD). ESD is the chief economic development agency of New York State. Commissioner Zemsky manages a broad range of programs, incentives and services designed to increase private sector investment and job creation in New York. Commissioner Zemsky works closely the 10 regional economic development councils, the governor’s decentralized, collaborative and strategic approach to economic development. Prior to coming to ESD, Commissioner Zemsky co-chaired the Western New York Regional Economic Development Council and worked on initiatives aimed at revitalizing the upstate economy. A longtime Buffalo business leader, Zemsky’s company, Larkin Development Group, has redeveloped approximately 1 million square feet of historic building space in Buffalo since 2002, with a particular focus on reclaiming Buffalo’s earliest industrial neighborhood, the Larkin Historic District. In recent years, Commissioner Zemsky has also chaired the Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority and the SUNY (State University of New York) Buffalo State College Council. He has also served as president of the Richardson Center Corporation, a nonprofit board charged with rehabilitation of the 140-year-old Richardson Olmsted Complex. New York Senior Senator Chuck Schumer (D) Throughout his career made improving New York's economy a top priority, bringing affordable air service to Upstate New York and working to successfully retain New York jobs at risk of leaving and attract many new firms to New York. Junior Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D) who served as special counsel to Andrew Cuomo when he was Secretary of HUD. 2.New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio Maria Torres-Springer, President of New York City Economic Development Corporation NYCEDC drives the physical transformation of New York City, completes major infrastructure upgrades, and encourages the creation of new residential and commercial districts. NYCEDC implements capital projects that facilitate the use of strategic and/or underutilized property for economic development. It conducts real estate planning and feasibility studies, works with other City agencies to develop area-wide development plans; guides development plans and projects through necessary public approvals; negotiates public-private partnerships; and performs financial analyses. NYCEDC is working with the City on a number of projects and initiatives, including: Hunts Point, Bronx; Coney Island, Brooklyn; Sunset Park Waterfront, Brooklyn; 125thStreet, Manhattan; High Line, Manhattan; The Hub, Bronx; Downtown Jamaica Initiatives, Queens; Gotham Center, Queens; Hunter’s Point South, Queens; Willets Point, Queens; east River Ferry Service; New Stapleton Waterfront, Staten Island; St. George Terminal, Staten Island; Kingsbridge Armory, Bronx; New York Wheel, Staten Island; Empire Outlets, Staten Island; Seward Park, Manhattan; and Brooklyn Army Terminal, Brooklyn.NYCEDC works to reactivate the City’s working waterfront and expand maritime and manufacturing employment to stimulate the local economy – e.g., Sunset Park Vision Plan, provides a comprehensive framework to maximize efficient movement of goods, grow industrial employment, promote green practices, and balance neighborhood and industrial goals in an environmentally sustainable manner. NYCEDC helps improve public access to waterfronts through projects like the East River Waterfront Esplanade along a two-mile shorefront of Lower Manhattan. 3.Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, previous head of the DNC and former Clinton Campaign chair. Virgina has: low corporate income tax; only port on East Coast deep enough to receive post-Panamax ships; 6 major interstate highways; 14 railroads; and 14 airports serving Virginia.Governor McAuliffe has made it clear his number one priority is economic development.Todd Haymore, former Secretary of Agriculture and Forestry now serves as Secretary of Commerce and Trade.1 Haymore oversees the economic, development of Virginia and each of its13 Commerce and Trade Agencies, among them: The Virginia Economic Development Partnership which aggressively recruits and encourages the expansion of businesses, industries and entrepreneurship significantly increasing capital investment and expansion of the tax base.Also the Virginia International Trade Alliance (VITAL) that expands Virginia’s nationally recognized international trade program via formal partnerships with Virginia’s public universities, industry associations and the Virginia Chamber of Commerce to serve their member companies as they expand international sales. Goals for VITAL include: growing Virginia exports by $1.6 billion in five years; creating 14,000 trade-supported jobs in five years; and increasing the number of companies enrolled in VEDP’s international trade programs to serve 390 companies per year. 1Interestingly, Todd worked from 2011-2016 to secure funds to create a global infrastructure of trade offices in Canada, China, Costa Rica, India, Mexico, Moscow, Singapore, the United Arab Emirates and the United Kingdom to assist in the marketing and promotion of Virginia's diversified portfolio of agricultural and forestry products. 4.Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton (D) Senior Senator Al Franken (D) Junior Senator Amy Klobuchar (D) Minnesota is in process for its mandated five-year update, the Minnesota State Rail Plan isMnDOT's modal plan for the state's freight and passenger rail system. In alignment with Minnesota GO, the Statewide Multimodal Transportation Plan, the Minnesota State Highway Investment Plan and other documents, it will provide an overall framework for effective use of the state’s freight and passenger rail network and its future development. The plan will identify priority rail corridors, programs, and projects that offer effective improvements or expansion for passenger and freight travel in and out of Minnesota. Minnesota’s passenger and freight rail improvement strategy will be detailed, including Minnesota’s passenger and freight rail impact on the economy, the state’s ability to meet national passenger and freight rail goals, and the economic factors that increase growth and competitive edge. An assessment of Minnesota’s current rail system demand will include an overview of the current system’s condition and performance (e.g. bottlenecks, performance and safety) and an evaluation of current freight transportation assets such as freight modal facilities and border crossings. An assessment of Minnesota’s future rail system demand will forecast the state’s ability to handle projected freight and passenger growth. A 20-year forecast will identify trends, needs and issues and analyze strengths and weaknesses. Performance-based metrics will measure performance of the overall infrastructure and evaluate the effectiveness of Minnesota’s freight and passenger rail system to serve passenger and shipper needs (e.g. profiles for districts). Best practices in national rail planning will be used, such as metro area coordination and issues, other states' practices, funding, long-range planning, organizational structure, data and analytical tools, private sector participation, and multi-jurisdictional coordination. 5. FloridaGovernor Rick Scott (R) (personal friend of my friend Billy Rubin and close to my friend Ken Jenne, former Sheriff of Broward County, FL). 6. California Governor Jerry Brown (long time friend from his first term as governor).Senior Senator Dianne Feinstein (D) Junior Senator Kamala Harris (D) Mayor of San Francisco Gavin Newsome (Hunter’s friend) Mayor of Los Angelos Eric Garcetti Mayor of San Diego Kevin Faulconer https://static.foxnews.com/foxnews.com/content/uploads/2020/10/2017-05-15-12.56-Phase-one-domestic-contacts_projects-Memo-re-key-phase-one-domestic-contacts.pdf
  11. https://www.westernjournal.com/biden-calls-another-lid-time-staying-hidden-final-debate/?utm_source=facebook&amp;utm_medium=westernjournalism&amp;utm_content=2020-10-19&amp;utm_campaign=manualpost Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has reportedly called a lid on all campaign activities, and will not emerge publicly until Thursday’s final presidential debate in Tennessee. Biden routinely calls it a day and heads to his Delaware estate by 9 a.m. EST. But CBS News political correspondent Ed O’Keefe announced on the network on Sunday that Biden would remain out of public view until the debate. Speaking on “Face the Nation,” O’Keefe said Biden will not be seen by the public for several days, saying that Biden going off the radar is “mostly about debate prep.”
  12. Gwyneth Paltrow, who controversially recommended its many vaginal steam services to Goop readers
  13. Here's How Much Money the Average Family Could Lose if Biden Wins https://www.westernjournal.com/much-money-average-family-lose-biden-wins/?utm_source=facebook&amp;utm_medium=westernjournalism&amp;utm_content=2020-10-20&amp;utm_campaign=manualpost “We estimate that the full Biden agenda will reduce long-run real GDP per capita by more than 8 percent as a result of reducing full-time equivalent employment (FTEs) per person by 3 percent, the capital stock per person by 15 percent and total factor productivity by 2 percent,” read the study, published Sunday. A decade from now, median household income could very well decrease by $6,500. “Relative to the [Congressional Budget Office’s] 2030 projections for these variables,” the study explained, “this suggests there will be 4.9 million fewer employed individuals, $2.6 trillion less GDP, and $1.5 trillion less consumption in that year alone. “Median household income in 2030 would be $6,500 less.” A major reason why Biden’s agenda would be detrimental has to do with his proposal to increase the corporate tax rate to 28 percent. Corporate tax hikes usually result in higher prices for consumers, lower wages and layoffs. Should taxes be raised on corporations and high-earning Americans? Yes No Completing this poll entitles you to The Western Journal news updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. In addition to middle-class families and businesses taking a hit in a potential Biden administration, higher-income earners would also be negatively impacted by tax hikes. Those who make over $400,000 a year and live in the high-tax states of California, New York and New Jersey may face a combined tax rate of over 60 percent, CNBC reported. The combined rate made headlines this week when rapper 50 Cent announced he’s voting for President Donald Trump.
  14. China Funding of Biden Center Raises Questions https://www.newsmax.com/platinum/penn-biden-center-upenn-donations-funding/2020/10/14/id/991959/?ns_mail_uid=7ba9a988-f3ea-4e4e-9210-d4264a2806fc&amp;ns_mail_job=DM155340_10152020&amp;s=acs&amp;dkt_nbr=0101041awt3y
  15. https://www.newsmax.com/platinum/penn-biden-center-upenn-donations-funding/2020/10/14/id/991959/?ns_mail_uid=7ba9a988-f3ea-4e4e-9210-d4264a2806fc&amp;ns_mail_job=DM155340_10152020&amp;s=acs&amp;dkt_nbr=0101041awt3y Joe Biden's deep financial ties to China are raising serious questions as the presidential election nears. Anonymous sources from China donated at least $22 million dollars to the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement at the University of Pennsylvania, which allegedly failed to properly disclose the donation to the federal government. What's more, the Penn Biden Center received huge sums of money from China after Biden announced he was running for president.
  16. Politics Home Depot co-founder warns middle class about Biden's tax plan
  17. https://americanmilitarynews.com/2020/10/putin-says-hed-work-with-biden-says-democratic-party-shares-links-with-communism/ Russian President Vladimir Putin recently compared the Democratic Party’s platform with communism and said the shared values could form the “ideological basis” for developing ties between Russia and the U.S. if Joe Biden becomes president. Putin, sitting for an interview with Russia’s state-owned Rossiya TV on Oct. 7, compared the two main presidential candidates in the U.S. and evaluated each candidate in terms of how Russia could work with them as president. He said despite some criticism of Russia, the Democratic Party holds values he identifies with as a former member of the Soviet Communist Party for 18 years. “As for the Democratic candidate, what can I say? We can hear rather sharp anti-Russian rhetoric as well. Regrettably, we have become used to this,” Putin said. “But some things are worth mentioning. First, the Democratic Party is traditionally closer to the so-called liberal values, closer to Social Democratic ideas, if compared to Europe. And it was from the Social Democratic environment that the Communist Party evolved.” “I was a member of the Soviet Communist Party for nearly 20 years, or more precisely 18 years,” Putin continued. “I was a rank-and-file member, but it can be said that I believed in the party’s ideas. I still like many of these left-wing values. Equality and fraternity. What is bad about them? In fact, they are akin to Christian values. Yes, they are difficult to implement, but they are very attractive, nevertheless. In other words, this can be seen as an ideological basis for developing contacts with the Democratic representative.”
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