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Everything posted by Vambo

  1. Economy Study raises red flags about Biden's $15 minimum wage push President Biden's push to raise the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour as part of a broader coronavirus relief package could be a "death knell" for businesses still reeling from the pandemic, according to a new study published this week. The report, authored by researchers at the University of Kentucky, Indiana University and Washington University in St. Louis, found that hiking the minimum wage hurts new entrants into the labor market, based on data from six states that increased their minimum rate. When the minimum wage increased, businesses — particularly those making tradeable goods, such as the manufacturing sector — reduced the number of new workers they were hiring, the study found.
  2. https://www.outkick.com/jeff-bezos-amazon-mail-in-votes/ Jeff Bezos — a strong Democratic supporter — and Amazon are aiming to postpone a unionization vote at one of its warehouses in Alabama, the Wall Street Journal reports. Interestingly, Amazon has requested that the National Labor Relations Board reconsider allowing mail-in voting, claiming that the mail-in voting process has “serious and systemic flaws.” Got that? Bezos and Amazon are doing all they can to prevent any shady activity when workers cast their ballots for unionization, and they are particularly concerned about the integrity of mail-in ballots. https://www.seattletimes.com/business/amazon/amazon-presses-for-in-person-voting-for-unionization-election-in-the-midst-of-a-pandemic/ https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/business/2021/01/24/amazon-union-vote-in-person-covid-19/6693642002/ https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2021/jan/27/amazon-seeks-to-block-workers-from-voting-by-mail-in-landmark-union-drive
  3. Breaking News Politics8 mins ago Biden climate change order to tell federal agencies to eliminate fossil fuel subsidies
  4. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/cuomo-biden-vaccine-ramp-up-not-enough-ny
  5. Politics Rand Paul says impeachment 'dead on arrival' after 45 GOP senators vote against it
  6. PARIS OVER PITTSBURGH Biden's loyalty to int'l climate deals, hostility to U.S. oil industry threatens jobs in Democratic districts
  7. MESSAGE TO TEHRAN Bombers fly over Persian Gulf in first show of force under President Biden
  8. Breaking News Politics14 mins ago Federal judge blocks Biden’s 100-day moratorium on deportations: Report
  9. 'EMERGENCY' POWER HUNGRY Schumer urges Biden to bypass Congress, enact unilateral climate policy
  10. BEWARE THE 'POLICE STATE' Gabbard says Schiff, Brennan, Big Tech more 'dangerous' than Capitol rioters
  11. 'STOP THIS MADNESS' Border sheriff says Biden's immigration policy is 'political theater,' threatens lives
  12. 'DARK MONEY' BONANZA Biden's victory fueled by record-breaking $145M in anonymous campaign cash
  13. Had they covered the capitol protest the same way it would be fine but you see the difference but you won't admit it.
  14. Media NY Times claims Fauci has 'commitment to hard facts' after he admitted to paper he lied about herd immunity
  15. HEALTHY SALARY Fauci once joked about his ‘gov’t’ pay, here’s what he makes Fauci pulled in $417,608.00 in 2019—his largest haul ever—and in the previous two years earned $384,625.00. Forbes reported that from 2010 to 2019, Fauci, the head of the National Institute for Health, earned $3.6 million.
  16. There is nothing on riots... First they need to admit they are riots, insurrections.
  17. COVID 'HUNGER GAMES' Hollywood execs accused of using wealth, influence to obtain vaccine
  18. So why are they not stopping them and why is the MSM ignoring them?
  19. You do realize the oil is still shipped here only by truck and railway the pipeline would have been safer and cheaper...
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