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Everything posted by Vambo

  1. ACCOUNTABILITY IN QUESTION Pelosi's office defiant as new concerns raised over pre-riot security at Capitol
  2. Opinion LIZ PEEK: Biden's top 5 blunders as president so far Topping the list of blunders, Biden has: 1.Overturned Trump immigration policies that stemmed the flow of caravans from Central America flooding our southern border. Biden is set to welcome 25,000 asylum-seekers, who had been in Mexico, into our nation. Soon we will witness chaos at the border, as we did under President Obama. Americans agree that our border must be secure; this will hurt Biden, just as it hurt Obama. 2.Canceled the Keystone Pipeline, nixing thousands of high-paying union jobs, even though the pipeline was shown by the Obama administration to have minimal environmental impact. Plus, Biden has "paused" new drilling leases on federal lands, which will especially kill revenues for New Mexico, which voted for Biden in November. Biden’s attack on energy will eventually cause oil output to drop and gasoline prices to rise at the pump, hurting low-income Americans. 3.Sided with teachers unions over the needs of families, and especially women, trying to earn a living. Biden’s refusal to order teachers back on the job and indifference to the "science" saying that schools can open safely is payback for union support, but a slap at unemployed workers forced to stay home and care for their kids. 4.Begun to actively undermine the Trump administration’s extraordinary progress in the Middle East. Unimaginably, Biden has already jeopardized the Abraham Accords by temporarily freezing arms sales to the UAE which were included in that deal. Also, Biden has yet to speak with Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu, pathetically returning to Obama’s failed policies in the region. Even Biden-sycophant CNN is questioning the delay. 5.Encouraged Democrats to jam through an absurd $1.9 trillion aid package with no GOP votes, destroying his campaign promise to work across the aisle. He is pushing the budget-buster deal even though there remains one TRILLION dollars unspent from prior packages and our economy is rebounding. Buying votes and bailing out blue states with $350 billion of taxpayer funds will not play well in purple states like Georgia, and could prove dangerous to the economy.
  3. IT'S GETTING WORSE Cuomo aides say they knew of nursing home issues for years, failed to act amid unfolding COVID scandal
  4. THE CUOMO HORROR SHOW Catastrophic COVID cover-up could take governor down — and his showboat bro
  5. "The media has to start telling the right story in this country," he said. "The media is trying to divide this country. You are bloodthirsty for ratings, and as such, you’re asking questions now that are already set up with a fact pattern. I can’t believe that you would ask me a question indicating that it’s alright to doctor just a little bit of evidence. There’s more stuff that we uncovered that they doctored, to be frank with you."
  6. U.S. Antifa blocks Seattle police from responding to emergencies with snow barrier
  7. This city is begging for cops to come back after 'defund the police' movement backfires The City Council on Friday voted unanimously to approve $6.4 million in additional funding for the police department.
  8. Politics Biden’s order to ICE nearly triggers release of illegal sex offenders
  9. 'BEHAVIOR NEEDS TO CHANGE' White House puts foot down on Kamala Harris' niece profiting off VP: report
  10. U.S. Violent BLM protest in NYC leaves two NYPD cops injured, 11 arrested
  11. BROKEN VOW Biden fails day one promise after WH aide resigns over shocking allegations
  12. How much will Trump impeachment trial cost? https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/how-much-will-trump-impeachment-trial-cost
  13. Politics22 mins ago Millions raised by Lincoln Project goes to companies run by group’s founders, records show
  14. SURVIVES A SECOND TIME Breaking News Trump acquitted by Senate after wild whiplash final day of impeachment trial
  15. Markets Biden shutting Dakota Access pipeline would cause food prices to spike
  16. CHECKMATE? Trump backer slams Swalwell, Dems after phony Twitter ‘blue check’ added to her tweets
  17. So during a Pandemic and the highest unemployment in recent history you think this is a good idea? Politics Biden administration to allow 25,000 asylum-seekers to cross US-Mexico border while cases are pending
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