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Everything posted by Vambo

  1. CUT THE FEED White House abruptly ends Biden virtual event when he says this "I'd be happy to take questions if that's what I'm supposed to do, Nance," Biden told the speaker. "Whatever you want me to do."
  2. https://www.radio.com/connectingvets/news/national-guard-fed-raw-meat-during-washington-dc-deployment omodevilla/Getty Images By Jack Murphy 10 hours ago By Jack Murphy and Abbie Bennett National Guard soldiers on duty at the Capitol building in Washington, D.C. have been served undercooked meat and other contaminated food which has made some of them sick, according to an unnamed whistleblower who reached out to the press. Metal shavings were found in some of the meals they were given, and in other cases chicken and beef were still raw, the whistle-blowing troop originally told 7 Action News. The soldier went on to say that dozens of meals have had to be thrown away and the issue has not been corrected despite it being brought to the attention of their chain of command.
  3. What does that have to do with... Biden's disapproval rating on the rise after a month in office How ignorant does one have to be to think one has something to do with the other big time TDS!
  4. How ignorant are you Joe ran on vote in Georgia Senators get a $ 2000.00 check right away and a $15 an hour minimum wage raise it's not about the spending it's about the LIES. Biden's disapproval rating on the rise after a month in office
  5. INCREDIBLE SHRINKING STIMULUS Biden tightens limits for COVID checks as he gets pushback from moderates
  6. Politics Biden's disapproval rating on the rise after a month in office
  7. https://www.theepochtimes.com/4-arrested-in-texas-on-150-counts-of-voter-fraud_3715419.html?utm_source=YouTube&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=FactsMatter&utm_term=TrumpReturns A South Texas county justice of the peace was among four people arrested last month on 150 counts of voter fraud related to the 2018 primary election in Medina County, according to reports. The Texas attorney general’s Election Fraud Unit on Feb. 11 arrested Medina County Justice of the Peace Tomas Ramirez, after earlier detaining Leonor Rivas Garza, Eva Ann Martinez, and Mary Balderrama on allegations of election fraud, News4SA reported. The case involves claims of vote harvesting at assisted living centers in Medina County in the 2018 election, according to a statement from Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s office Ramirez faces one count of organized election fraud, one count of assisting voter voting ballot by mail, and 17 counts of unlawful possession of a ballot or ballot envelope, according to the news outlet. Balderrama is charged with one count of organized election fraud, nine counts of illegal voting, two counts of unlawful possession of ballot or ballot envelope, one count of mail ballot application, two counts of unlawfully assisting voter voting by mail, two counts of tampering with a government record, and eight counts of election fraud. Garza faces a single count of organized election fraud, two counts of illegal voting, eight counts of unlawful possession of a ballot or ballot envelope, two counts of election fraud, and four counts of fraudulent use of an absentee ballot by mail. Martinez is charged with a single count of organized election fraud, nine counts of illegal voting, 28 counts of unlawful possession of ballot or ballot envelope, three counts of purportedly acting as an agent, five counts of tampering with a government record, 14 counts of election fraud, and four counts of fraudulent mail ballot application, according to News4SA. The Texas attorney general’s office didn’t immediately respond to a request by The Epoch Times for comment. In a separate incident, Raquel Rodriguez, a Texas woman who bragged about being able to deliver thousands of votes for tens of thousands in cash was arrested in January on charges including election fraud and illegal voting. Rodriguez was filmed during an undercover project by Project Veritas, a nonprofit investigative journalism organization. She was recorded in footage released last year that she could deliver “at least 5,000” votes “county-wide” for $55,000 in cash. She acknowledged that what she was discussing could land her prison time. Based on the footage, Paxton, a Republican, opened an investigation. That probe led to the arrest, Paxton announced on Jan. 13. Rodriguez faces a prison sentence of up to 20 years if convicted.
  8. https://www.theepochtimes.com/judge-rules-arizonas-maricopa-county-must-turn-over-2-1-million-november-election-ballots-to-senate_3712862.html?welcomeuser=1 A judge on Friday ruled that Maricopa County must provide some 2.1 million ballots from the Nov. 3 election to the Arizona state Senate and allow access to its election equipment to conduct an audit. Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Timothy Thomason ruled that subpoenas issued by Arizona’s state Senate are valid and should be enforced, and he disputed arguments from Maricopa County officials saying the subpoenas are unlawful. The county previously stated that multiple audits have been sufficient and said ballots should be sealed. “The Court finds that the subpoenas are legal and enforceable,” Thomason wrote (pdf) in his ruling. “There is no question that the Senators have the power to issue legislative subpoenas. The subpoenas comply with the statutory requirements for legislative subpoenas. The Senate also has broad constitutional power to oversee elections.” He argued that the “Arizona legislature clearly has the power to investigate and examine election reform matters,” adding that senators can “subpoena material as part of an inquiry into election reform measures.” The move was hailed by Republican legislators in Arizona. Arizona Senate President Karen Fann, a Republican, told news outlets after the judge’s ruling that their move was “never about overturning the election, it was about the integrity of the Arizona election system.” “This was always about voter integrity and the integrity of the voting system itself,” Fann added. State Sen. Warren Petersen, a Republican, confirmed that the Senate will go through with a “forensic audit” of Maricopa’s Nov. 3 election results. Maricopa County, which includes Phoenix, saw more than 2.1 million people vote during the last election. But Bill Gates, the vice-chairman of the Maricopa Board of Supervisors, wrote Friday that the county has “nothing to hide,” adding that officials have “conducted three fully transparent audits, including two forensic audits by independent, qualified and outside Vote System Testing Laboratories.” “I trust the Senate will be completely transparent with the public as Maricopa County has been,” he added. “From the beginning, the County sought clarification from the court. The court has ruled. I look forward to working with the Senate to provide them the information they are requesting.” The subpoenas were issued following allegations of voter fraud and irregularities made by former President Donald Trump and surrogates including Rudy Giuliani. A dispute over the election began when former Senate Judiciary Chairman Eddie Farnsworth held a hearing to question county officials about the election. Farnsworth and Fann then issued several subpoenas, which prompted Maricopa County to issue a lawsuit. The subpoenas were re-issued in January.
  9. Joe Biden needs help from Jill Biden as he is ‘cognitively impaired’
  10. 108 migrants tested at Texas bus station found positive for COVID, released into U.S.: officials
  11. World Migrants wear Biden T-shirts at US-Mexico border, demand clearer policies
  12. FUEL FOR PANDEMIC? 108 migrants tested at Texas bus station found positive for COVID, released into U.S.: officials
  13. FUEL FOR PANDEMIC? 108 migrants tested at Texas bus station found positive for COVID, released into U.S.: officials
  14. SMUGGLING TURNS DEADLY Collision near border that killed at least 13 involved SUV packed with illegal immigrants: source
  15. 'CAT' GOT HER TONGUE? Psaki won't say why Biden 'canceled' Dr. Seuss from reading proclamation
  16. Politics 3rd woman accuses Cuomo of unwanted sexual advances as shocking new pic emerges
  17. DR. SEUSS CANCELED Breaking News Sales of 6 Dr. Seuss books to cease over 'racist and insensitive imagery,' announces author's foundation
  18. 'CAT' NOT IN HAT Biden 'cancels' Dr. Seuss from 'Read Across America' proclamation
  19. WHAT ABOUT YOU, JOE? Biden backs independent review of Cuomo sex allegations, something accuser Reade never received
  20. Hasbro Reverses Decision: Mr. Potato Head Will Remain Entertainment by: John Lynch Posted: Feb 25, 2021 / 05:08 PM EST / Updated: Mar 1, 2021 / 09:07 AM EST The Mr. Potato Head balloon at the 81st Annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in 2007 (Photo by: Curtis Means/NBC NewsWire) AddThis Sharing Buttons Share to Facebook Share to TwitterShare to WhatsAppShare to SMSShare to EmailShare to More (WTRF)- After announcing that Mr. Potato Head would go gender-neutral, Hasbro took back the decision, Mr. & Mrs. Potato Head aren’t going anywhere.
  21. Mexico to push Biden on plan for 800k legal immigrants to U.S. every year
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