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Everything posted by Vambo

  1. Politics Biden civil rights pick promoted Jussie Smollett hoax, criticized police handling of case
  2. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-immigration-mexico-exclusive/exclusive-migrant-president-biden-stirs-mexican-angst-over-boom-time-for-gangs-idUSKBN2B21D8 MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico’s government is worried the new U.S. administration’s asylum policies are stoking illegal immigration and creating business for organized crime, according to officials and internal assessments seen by Reuters.
  3. You are making a fool of yourself the same way Biden does so do like he does hide stop digging in deeper seek professional help if need be but get over your hardon for Trump it's unhealthy.
  4. Hug? I Love Kids Jumping On My Lap" Joe Biden
  5. Yet Biden does it out in the open and you voted for him! Photo proof versus accusers?
  6. Politics Biden admin pressed on enforcing COVID-19 tests as more migrants test positive
  7. Politics49 mins ago Border Patrol union chief says daily migrant surge worst he's witnessed in 24 years
  8. Politics32 mins ago National Guard chief opposed to Capitol mission extension: memo
  9. 2ND AMENDMENT UNDER FIRE Sen. Schumer pledges Senate vote on universal gun background check bill
  10. SEEDS OF DIVISION Farmers react to 'racial justice' measures, tied to billions in COVID relief aid, tucked inside partisan bill
  11. https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/tara-reade-joe-biden-and-the-limitations-of-journalism/2020/04/16/da25211c-7dbd-11ea-a3ee-13e1ae0a3571_story.html Tara Reade, who worked in Biden’s Senate office in 1992 and 1993, last year came forward to say that Biden had touched her neck and shoulders when she was in his employ. She has now expanded that account with a more serious charge: One day, she says, she was asked to deliver the senator’s gym bag. While handing it off, she alleges, he pressed her against a wall, reached under her skirt and inserted his fingers inside of her. We agree on this anyway lock Biden up!
  12. Politics Biden ushered away from press as they ask him questions, 48 days in office without holding solo press conference
  13. Politics46 mins ago Biden adviser botches her Spanish, mistakenly tells migrants border is 'not closed'
  14. HANDCUFFED BY BIDEN ICE arrests plummet amid tightened rules, migrant surge
  15. 'PEAK ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION' Ex-CBP commissioner has warning about crisis, says Biden wanted surge
  16. HIDIN' BIDEN President's handlers shoo away press — again — as they try to ask him questions
  17. Politics Biden ripped for failure to hold formal news conference for 49 days, unprecedented in modern era
  18. Politics Homan says Biden should be 'embarrassed' after inheriting most secure border in decades
  19. SO MUCH FOR 'UNITY' Schumer says working with GOP senator under Obama was 'mistake' by Dems
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