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Everything posted by Vambo

  1. He did some Zeppelin reactions I watched...even headed dude.
  2. Politics White House freezes Ukraine military aid package: report
  3. 'BUNCH OF NONSENSE' Dad guts critical race theory: 'How do I have 2 medical degrees?'
  4. SHOOTING BLANKS Smith & Wesson sends warning to gun owners about drained ammo inventories
  5. Well you got the third grade playground talk down pat finally...even with your BAD TDS! Even your master Biden has TDS ...
  6. Not much of a Holiday then...
  7. Does that come from years of staring into the mirror? Yeah you have TDS big time everyone sees it!
  8. Politics46 mins ago Texas clears out state prison to make room for criminal illegal immigrants
  9. 'WISE GUY' REMARKS Inside Biden's long history of snapping at reporters who dare to challenge him
  10. TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT Ethics chief under Obama says Biden admin sending 'F--- you' message with string of family-related hires
  11. It's a power monger thing they have to control the narrative, if you don't agree with them they whine and threaten you with a suspension. It's like hunter Biden he gets away with so much because he has people in power to support him as does Hoorta(Biden). He so afraid to admit he was wrong about everything even as the truth comes out or was right there all the time ( Trump said to drink bleach/Lysol , good people on both sides, Trump disrespecting the military etc...) it's sad they just can't get over they were wrong. He probably still wears a mask in the shower!
  12. Why do you lefties always resort to referring to someone's penis? You were fixated for a long time on Trump's now you're fixated on Mr. Potato Head's ...who's penis is your next fixation, Michelle Obama?
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