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Everything posted by Vambo

  1. Media CBS News host gets defensive over media's embrace of con artist Avenatti
  2. ROLL THE TAPE Video shows inconvenient truth about Dems' GOP defund the police claims
  3. I haven't seen the Klan in years where are they? We know where BLM are...
  4. The story demonstrates a moral lesson...no one claimed it to be true hence no link. People can't see the forest through the trees!
  5. That type of thing is not something to joke about especially in the modern environment the Democrats have created men in girls bathrooms, men in women's sports, CRT, Drag Queen story time etc...
  6. OFF-KEY Far-left, San Fran choir stands by song lyrics: ‘We’re coming for your children'
  7. NAUGHTY 'PLAY' TIME Parents erupt as 'sick' newspaper defends teaching first-graders 'pornography literacy' with lewd images
  8. Snopes is racist site...all they do is spread misinformation.
  9. CRT you're right it's false to think they are not teaching it in schools you'd have to be a complete idiot to think they are not!
  10. https://www.dailywire.com/news/texas-sheriffs-sue-biden-over-ice-restrictions-plummeting-deportations?utm_campaign=benshapiro&fbclid=IwAR2nstxbszuaVEAzQmS9T8A6LeofIjrYZnF3rrpZ2Iwa8KsXR0RRhA-X74s The lawsuit states that the Biden administration’s action has blocked ICE agents from taking into custody illegal immigrants accused of crimes such as human trafficking and drug smuggling.
  11. Glad to see you gave up your LIE CRT is not being taught in schools! 👍
  12. Muslim parents demanded removal of pork in all school canteen in Montreal and its suburbs. The mayor of Dorval, a suburb of Montreal, refused and sent a note to all parents to explain why. ′′ Muslims should be aware that they should adapt to Canada and Quebec their customs, traditions and their way of life." ′′ Muslims must realize that they must integrate and learn to live in Quebec. They need to change their lifestyle, not Canadians who so generously welcomed them." ′′ Like other peoples, Canadians are not ready to give up their identity and their culture." ′′ Finally, they must understand that in Canada (Quebec), with its Judeo-Christian roots, Christmas trees, churches and religious holidays, religion should remain a personal matter. Dorval Municipality has the right to deny any discounts to Islam and Sharia." ′′ For Muslims who disagree with secularism and don't feel comfortable in Canada, there are 57 wonderful Muslim countries in the world, most of them are poorly populated and ready to accept them with open arms according to Sharia. ′′ If you left your country for Canada, not for other Muslim countries, it's because you believed life in Canada was better than somewhere else. We will not allow you to bring Canada down to the level of those 57 countries." ′′ Ask yourself this question - just once :" Why is it better here in Canada than where you came from? ′′ ′′ The canteen with the pork in the menu is part of the answer." If you came to Canada with the idea that you would displace us with your prolific spread and eventually take over the country, you would have to pack up and go back to where you came from. We don't have room for you and your ideology. If you accept the situation, stay. If not then prepare to leave."
  13. https://www.foxnews.com/media/fbi-seizes-legos 'Not just a partially assembled Lego set. A fully assembled Lego set. Chilling,' Michael Tracey snarked Social media was set ablaze on Wednesday when a report that Federal investigators seized a Lego replica of the Capitol building from a man involved in the Jan. 6 riot was met with lambasting and jokes. The Daily Beast cited "court documents obtained by Smoking Gun" to report that the FBI confiscated a "fully constructed U.S. Capitol Lego set" from Pennsylvania man Robert Morss, who was indicted last month for his role in the Capitol riot. "The prosecutors didn’t say whether Morss used his toy to help plan the Capitol insurrection," the Daily Beast reported. CNN SCOLDS CRITICS OF CRITICAL RACE THEORY, SAYS CONCERNED PARENTS DON’T UNDERSTAND WHAT IT IS "As any historian worth his weight in little multi-colored plastic bricks will tell you, Legos were used in some of the most significant and evil plots in history," political satirist Tim Young told Fox News. Social media was set ablaze on Wednesday when a report that Federal investigators seized a Lego replica of the Capitol building from a man involved in the Jan. 6 riot was met with lambasting and jokes. The Daily Beast cited "court documents obtained by Smoking Gun" to report that the FBI confiscated a "fully constructed U.S. Capitol Lego set" from Pennsylvania man Robert Morss, who was indicted last month for his role in the Capitol riot. "The prosecutors didn’t say whether Morss used his toy to help plan the Capitol insurrection," the Daily Beast reported. CNN SCOLDS CRITICS OF CRITICAL RACE THEORY, SAYS CONCERNED PARENTS DON’T UNDERSTAND WHAT IT IS "As any historian worth his weight in little multi-colored plastic bricks will tell you, Legos were used in some of the most significant and evil plots in history," political satirist Tim Young told Fox News. "The fall of Rome -- Legos; plotting the transportation of slaves to America -- Legos; the battle of Gettysburg, confederate army only, – Legos; the holocaust – Legos. I could go on and on," Young added. "It just makes sense... the FBI clearly needs to collect any toy for children 8 and up to complete their investigation." "Indeed -- not just a partially assembled Lego set. A fully assembled Lego set. Chilling," journalist Michael Tracey snarked. Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon asked, "Is the suggestion that this guy planned the riot using toys the way Doc Brown planned to send Marty back to the future?"
  14. Politics27 mins ago Obama ethics chief blasts secret Hunter Biden art scheme arranged by White House
  15. REVELING IN THE OUTRAGE Black Lives Matter chapter declares US flag ‘symbol of hatred’ in July 4th post, then doubles down
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