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Everything posted by Vambo

  1. 'WHAT A DISASTER' White House post celebrating Biden's first 6 months gets shredded by critics
  2. RADICAL ACTIVISTS EXPOSED Far-left group promoted by Biden admin dedicated to disrupting ‘Whiteness,' 'destroying schools'
  3. BUILDING MUSCLE Both sides of the aisle worry about Biden's war power
  4. Politics41 mins ago Texas Democrat compares threat of arrest after fleeing state to slavery . Sure look like slaves!
  5. LAWLESS LIBS Left-run city's soft-on-crime stance infuriates business owners
  6. BIG-MONEY BOOZE Dem linked to Chinese spy living lavish lifestyle thanks to campaign cash
  7. PTA official says 'let them die' about parents fighting critical race theory
  8. Politics18 mins ago Swalwell spent thousands of campaign dollars on booze and limo services, $20K at hotel where his wife works
  9. Politics59 mins ago COVID cases among migrants in Rio Grande Valley sector surge 900% as border numbers continue to rise
  10. Politics Pelosi aide tests COVID positive after attending reception with Texas Dems
  11. SILENT SPREAD Jen Psaki confirms more, undisclosed COVID cases among White House staff
  12. READING, WRITING, RACE AOC claims ‘anti-racism’ education reverses behaviors learned in infancy
  13. U.S.48 mins ago San Francisco residents say 'nobody is doing anything' about rise in shoplifting, car break-ins: 'This is really bad'
  14. World Russia warns US over hypersonic missiles in Europe, could lead to ‘inadvertent conflict’
  15. Politics44 mins ago Biden stands by nominee linked to tree-spiking plot despite new revelations, Psaki says
  16. BIDEN BACKTRACKS President's delayed 180 on Facebook 'killing people' comment
  17. NO LAUGHING MATTER WH drops COVID test bombshell days after Harris met with infected Democrats
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