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Everything posted by Vambo

  1. 'WE ASKED FOR IT' Chicago Dems turn on far-left mayor as migrant crisis wakes up voters: 'Not Abbott's fault'
  2. Joe Biden confuses Mexico, Egypt while defending his memory | Fortune President Joe Biden forcefully — and at times angrily — sought to combat suggestions his acuity was declining in a hastily-arranged press conference Thursday night. But the 81-year-old leader may have made his biggest election-year liability worse. Toward the end of his remarks, Biden mistakenly referred to Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi as the leader of Mexico. The misstep threatened to undermine his entire effort, and was immediately seized on by his political opponents as further evidence Biden was unfit to serve.
  3. 'PALESTINE' STICKER BREAKING NEWS Suspect in Joel Osteen church shooting was transgender, had message written on rifle
  4. Jonathan Turley: Trump has great week as cases against him implode
  5. HEADS UP Biden apparently bumps head on Marine One as debate persists over mental fitness
  6. STRIKING A CHORD Dem attacks fans not standing for NFL's controversial Black national anthem
  7. NYT editorial board lays into Biden, gives him advice after his press conference disaster
  8. Former Bill Clinton aide says he ‘wet the bed’ over special counsel's report on Biden
  9. PAYING THE PRICE Colorado mayor forced to slash services for residents to pay for migrants
  10. ‘SERIOUS ISSUES’ Ex-White House doctor says special counsel report shows Biden getting ‘worse by the day’
  11. ‘FANI’-NG THE FLAMES Trump prosecutor’s employees line up to blow whistle on her alleged misdeeds in office
  12. Biden lied to the American people about classified documents probe, says former Whitewater counsel
  13. Vambo


    Dem mayor with lavish spending habit posts video with Biden as town feud escalates
  14. BIG BROTHER Biden admin confirms terms used to search Americans’ bank accounts
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