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Everything posted by Vambo

  1. ALLIES TURN AWAY Brexit leader: British parliament will not back US military moves under Biden
  2. ‘THEY BURNED THEM' Female Afghan journalist speaks out on fears of Taliban rule, life after Biden’s disastrous withdrawal
  3. U.S. Phony Border Patrol vehicle stopped with illegals inside, authorities say
  4. ‘REMAIN IN MEXICO’ RULING Supreme Court issues decision on Trump-era immigration policy
  5. Politics Psaki reacts to pushback over claim no Americans 'stranded' in Afghanistan
  6. LEFT TURNS ON BIDEN Democrat points out the obvious to president over crucial withdrawal deadline backlash
  7. POOR TIMING, PELOSI Speaker celebrates ‘great day of pride’ as crisis surges in Afghanistan
  8. PLEADING WITH TERRORISTS Breaking News US confirms highest-level meeting with Taliban since fall of Kabul as fears over Afghan evacuations grow
  9. Joe Biden has never been a good listener, and age has not curbed his inflated sense of himself. Robert Gates’ famous remark that Biden "has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades" bears remembering in light of how Biden approached Afghanistan once he got to the Oval Office. https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/biden-afghanistan-costs-ignoring-warnings-michael-goodwin
  10. SINGING NEW TUNE CNN promotes packed NYC concert, after condemning Midwest bike rally
  11. https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/biden-republican-democrats-congress-impeached-victor-davis-hanson Forces more powerful than the Taliban, in places far more strategic, will now leverage an ideologically driven but predictably incompetent administration, a woke Pentagon and politically weaponized intelligence communities. Why not, when President Joe Biden trashes both American frackers and the Saudis — only to beg the Kingdom to rush to export more of its hated oil before the U.S. midterms? BIDEN SAYS 'NO ONE'S BEING KILLED' IN AFGHANISTAN, CAN'T 'RECALL' ADVISERS TELLING HIM TO DELAY WITHDRAWAL Why not, when Biden asks Russia’s Vladimir Putin to request that Russian-related hackers be a little less rowdy in their selection of U.S. targets? And why not, when our own military jousts with the windmills of "white supremacy" as Afghans fall from U.S. military jets in fatal desperation to reach such a supposedly racist nation? Biden keeps repeating that he was bound by former President Donald Trump’s planned withdrawal. Really? A mercurial Trump repeatedly demonstrated that he was willing to use air power to protect U.S. personnel and to bomb an Islamic would-be caliphate. The Taliban knew that and so struck when Trump was gone. Biden claims he was bound by Trump’s decision to withdraw and thus cannot be blamed for his reckless operation of a predetermined departure. But all Biden has done since entering office is destroy Trump pacts, overturning past agreements on energy leases, protocols with Latin America and Mexico on border security, and pipeline contracts. REP. MICHAEL MCCAUL: BIDEN OWNS AFGHANISTAN MESS – HE WASTED TIME, IGNORED ADVICE AND NOW BLAMES OTHERS No sooner did Biden claim he was straitjacketed by Trump than he reversed course to defend not just his own withdrawal but the disastrous manner of it. Biden claims that he has no free will while insisting he would have done nothing differently if he did. Video
  12. A new poll shows the country is wising up. Imagine: a Rasmussen survey finds only 39% of likely U.S. voters think Biden is doing the job of president, while a majority (51%) say others are actually running the country, making decisions for Biden behind the scenes. Never before has the public concluded that the United States president is a puppet; it is a shocking suggestion. Such is the damage done by the calamity of Kabul. When the New York Times edges toward calling the president a liar, reporting that Biden made "several misleading or false claims about the pullout and evacuation," you know the landscape has shifted. Next week House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., returns to Washington intent on ramming through not just a $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill, but also a $3.5 trillion budget package that is the most breathtaking vote-buying effort ever undertaken by either political party. It is also the most reckless spending proposal in our history, setting up entitlement programs that will never end and saddling our children and grandchildren with ever more debt that will ultimately hobble our growth. The odds of Pelosi successfully ramming such a brazenly partisan and controversial bill through with Biden under fire are not good. https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/biden-afghanistan-debacle-impact-progressive-agenda
  13. CALLING THE SHOTS Taliban rejects Biden’s suggestion that US may extend deadline for Afghan withdrawal: report
  14. Schumer was widely criticized on Twitter, with some invoking the situation on the ground in Afghanistan Chuck Schumer mocked over Central Park dancing video with Stephen Colbert
  15. Giants-Browns practice ends in heated fist fight Giants wide receiver Sterling Shepard and Browns cornerback Troy Hill ended practice with fisitcuffs https://www.foxnews.com/sports/giants-browns-practice-fist-fight
  16. Politics State attorney general sues Biden admin over border policy reversal tied to ‘devastating’ fentanyl flow
  17. TRAIL OF TERROR Disturbing ISIS threat prompts warning to Americans stuck in Kabul Biden claims American credibility hasn't suffered WAKE UP CALL MCFARLAND: Biden is living in alternate reality and Afghanistan proves it
  18. AMERICA HACKED US diplomacy team targeted in cyberattack as many fear ripple effect while Afghanistan crisis unfolds
  19. Nancy Pelosi called out for 'stuff happens' comment on chaos in Afghanistan
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