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Everything posted by Vambo

  1. Team Biden clings to reconciliation bill zero-cost claim shot down by Washington Post fact-checkers Even a columnist who supports agenda pointedly insisted 'it is not costless' MAKES 'ZERO' SENSE Biden team clings to ridiculous spending bill claim shot down by allies, Washington Post fact-checkers Yet multiple analysts have rebutted the claim. The Washington Post's fact-checker, Glenn Kessler, noted that lawmakers "play all sorts of budget games to achieve that mythical zero within the 10-year budget framework." He called Biden's claim "misleading," giving the president Two Hoorta's errrrr..."Two Pinocchios" and noting that the number of Pinocchios "could grow higher."
  2. You are bad at this you should stay away!
  3. U.S. Activist warns migrant crisis is just beginning, 1 million could arrive in USA AMERICANS ABANDONED An inside look at the tragic human cost of Biden's rushed, botched Afghanistan withdrawal
  4. UNNEEDED BENEFIT? Dem’s income level raises questions about tax break she receives Democrat Tammy Duckworth hasn’t paid property tax on her Illinois home since 2015, report says
  5. Neo doesn't have any cents(sense)!
  6. Politics52 mins ago Chants of 'F--- Joe Biden' rain down from NASCAR stands during interview with Talladega winner
  7. It’s not just the enormous cost of the bill that should be terrifying, though. It’s also the wide-ranging policy implications, which together constitute an unprecedented assault on entrepreneurialism, the free market, and individual liberty. The Democrats are seeking to institute a universal basic income through the back door while simultaneously establishing a cradle-to-grave welfare state. video Art Laffer rips ‘horrible’ trillion-dollar spending bill: What power does Pelosi have to get Dems to vote for this? Former Reagan economist Art Laffer argues Democrats are 'going in and systematically trying to destroy the production base.' The expanded child tax credit, for instance, would not be linked to work in any way. In other words, it would serve as a direct financial incentive for Americans to treat children as a source of income – especially since it will be coupled with a child care subsidy that becomes more valuable the more children someone has. This obviously reduces incentives to work – a fact that leaders across the political spectrum easily recognized in the relatively recent past.
  8. 'OL VAX AND CHAIN Major Louisiana health system fines employees with unvaccinated spouses
  9. JUSTICE STONEWALLED GA Dem would rather keep Confederate monument over Clarence Thomas statue
  10. World Biden staffer apologizes to Haiti for treatment of migrants at Del Rio
  11. 'VERY DANGEROUS' France blames America's 'woke' culture for 'racializing' country as tensions rise A cover story by Le Spectacle Du Monde, one of France's leading magazines, recently ran a piece titled "The Suicide of America" in which it blames the deadly withdrawal from Afghanistan on a "woke dictatorship" and questioned whether the American "empire was collapsing," Zenger News reported.
  12. ‘THAT’S THE TRUTH’ Fauci stunned when told Americans may not be taking vaccine because of him
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