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Everything posted by Vambo

  1. TARGETING REPUBLICANS Jussie Smollett faked a hate crime, but liberal media use guilty verdict to bash conservatives
  2. Republicans have very clearly taken an a democractic approach to winning future elections. They want a fair and legal voting process!
  3. ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM Democratic mayor calls his own party racist and doesn't stop there
  4. Politics Defense bill provision seeks to hold Biden accountable on Afghanistan
  5. FREE-FOR-ALL Dems once again beg Biden to force taxpayers to foot yet another tab
  6. 'YOU KNOW WHAT I'LL DO?' Biden's new US Attorney seen threatening reporters in resurfaced video that shows disturbing tirade
  7. Nope ask Mueller, he said No
  8. She colluded with Russia...
  9. JOE'S POWER CHECKED Biden faces tidal wave of resistance as his vaccine mandates crumble under legal losses
  10. RED FLAGS MISSED Lawsuit reveals online threats made by HS shooter before deadly rampage
  11. JABBED IN THE BACK Two Democrats join Republicans to REPEAL Biden's federal vaccine mandate for private businesses
  12. Hillary Clinton reveals would-be 2016 victory speech after blaming sexism, misogyny for loss Clinton blamed misogyny, sexism, former FBI Director James Comey, and more for 2016 election loss CAN'T LET IT GO Hillary Clinton tearfully reads would-be victory speech and points finger for loss
  13. “98 percent of mass public shootings have occurred in places where guns are banned, just so you understand.” — President Trump, speaking to the National Rifle Association, May 4 https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2018/05/10/do-98-percent-of-mass-public-shootings-happen-in-gun-free-zones/
  14. Parenting,,,bring back discipline.
  15. 'RIOT AND VIOLENCE' 10 Antifa members charged with allegedly assaulting Trump supporters
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