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Everything posted by Vambo

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ip5e9NUvX6A&ab_channel=JiffyWhip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ip5e9NUvX6A&ab_channel=JiffyWhip
  2. Technology Pregnant man, pregnant person emoji coming to Apple iPhones
  3. KEEP ON TRUCKING Tesla billionaire sends Canadian truckers major show of support
  4. You do a good Joe Biden...just avoid answering the questions asked of you! Blame others for your incompetence!
  5. So what are we going to do about this? What is the $1.2 trillion dollar plan going to do for our crumbling infrastructure? Well, Pete Buttigieg has a plan. Here it is: More speed cameras, according to The Associated Press, Pete Buttigieg would like to quote promote greater use of speed cameras, which the department says could provide more equitable enforcement than police traffic stops. https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/tucker-carlson-infrastructure-spending-roads So, if you have problems like these which are central to our economy and the way we live to the country itself, it might be a good idea to hire a competent transportation secretary. But that's not what the Biden administration did. They had a more progressive idea. Joe Biden hired a kid, by contrast, who had never had a real job outside McKinsey and no grounding of any kind in physical reality. We know this because he was the mayor of South Bend. So what's the infrastructure like in South Bend when Pete Buttigieg was mayor? The city had "the worst pothole situation in the state," according to the local paper. Huge potholes. So big that Mayor Pete, not a tall man, could have disappeared into one. Picture his little legs up in the air. Eight years as mayor, and he was never able to fix it. PETE BUTTIGIEG: With just enough resources to replenish the paving of every lane mile of street in our city only every 100 years or so. I faced a constant battle with that natural enemy of all mayors: The pothole. So a guy who literally couldn't fix the potholes in South Bend, Indiana, is now the transportation secretary. But he breastfeeds, so it's equity. It's unbelievable. Pretty amusing. This is a guy who wouldn't know a car transmission from a bridge abutment. What are the chances he can run his own espresso machine? GAVIN NEWSOM CLARIFIES CALLING TRAIN THIEVES ‘GANGS’: ‘FORGIVE ME … THEY’RE ORGANIZED GROUPS' The mindset is the problem here, and it's not just Mayor Pete, he's easy to mock because he's a ludicrous figure. But it's all the people like him who believe our economy is based on social media apps and H.R. departments. People like that really believe that by social engineering, you can make the trains run on time and you can create a robust economy. Because they're morons.
  6. Now you are getting somewhere asking questions is good, admitting your ignorance is a good sign now research for the answer!
  7. Remember the original post had no comment so what made you think in your cross dressing brain just by posting a video people were angry and raged? Why are you so triggered by a video? What flustered your pink feathers? Why do you think an m&m can be sexy? We know you are more of a Skilttes fan!
  8. Politics Mass shooting suspect released without bail
  9. 'SHE IS NOT A KID' Outrage as ADULT trans child molester gets OK from lib DA to serve time in juvenile jail Transgenderism undermines women's rights, despite other feminists' claims: Kara Dansky NCAA 'isn’t protecting women' amid transgender participation policy, female athlete says Chicago schools training says sex 'not rooted in biology,' tells teachers to hide gender pronouns from parents Lib DA ripped over sentencing for transgender woman who sexually assaulted girl
  10. Media Sen. Hirono urges Republicans to be 'open-minded' to Biden SCOTUS pick as she continues bashing Trump justices
  11. CLUELESS CDC chief tells staff to run 'cover' while she Googles own website for info
  12. Media Calls for Biden's impeachment begin after secret migrant flights exposed
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