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Everything posted by Vambo

  1. Opinion ANDY PUZDER: Does Biden deserve credit for economic recovery? Here's a realistic look at the numbers It’s good to remember GDP is a year-over-year number. In other words, it’s easier to have a high percentage increase in the current year if you’re rolling over a large decrease in the prior year. In 2020, red and blue state governors shut down their states’ economies to slow the pandemic’s spread. With our economy shut down, GDP understandably declined by a significant 3.4%, the largest drop since at least 1948. So, with the bar set at an historic low of -3.4% in 2020, GDP naturally rebounded in 2021. No surprise here. The fact is that when states reopened, given the depths to which the economy sank, GDP was going to increase no matter what. To make the nature of this 5.7% increase even clearer, let’s look at GDP dollars (as opposed to percentages). In 2019 (pre-pandemic), GDP was about $19 trillion. Because the economy was shut down for much of 2020, GDP dropped to about $18.4 trillion. In 2021, it rose again to about $19.4 trillion. That’s an increase for 2021 of 2% over 2019, a fairer comparison and a less than impressive gain. The fact is that when states reopened, given the depths to which the economy sank, GDP was going to increase no matter what Biden did. As it turns out, GDP increased only 2% over its pre-pandemic level – and that was with gargantuan government spending. That brings us to Biden’s second claim – "a record number of jobs created." Because of the pandemic-induced economic shutdowns, the economy lost about 9.4 million jobs in 2020, the steepest job loss on record. As we emerged from the pandemic, we recovered about 6.5 million jobs in 2021, or a return of 70% of the jobs we lost. In other words, while a large number of people have returned to work (Biden claims these are jobs his policies "created"), we’re still 2.9 million jobs, or 30%, below pre-pandemic levels. CLICK HERE TO GET THE OPINION NEWSLETTER So are Biden’s economic policies responsible for that 70% of jobs recovered or is it states reopening their economies? Well, it turns out that the red states leading the way in reopening their economies are also leading the way in creating jobs. Video
  2. RULES FOR THEE California liberals openly defy state's mask mandate to party with elites
  3. Worse than 9/11 since the civil war the next Jan.6!
  4. https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/kidrock/wethepeople.html
  5. JUSTICE SERVED Poll: 76% of Americans have blunt reality check for WHO Biden picks for next SCOTUS nominee A majority of Democrats oppose Biden declaring the nominee will be a Black woman
  6. 'ALL-TIME LOW’ Border Patrol spat during Mayorkas visit latest sign of sinking morale, growing tension with Biden admin Border Patrol agents get into heated exchange with leadership during Mayorkas visit, leaked video shows ICE agents forced to coordinate travel for illegal immigrants, some with criminal records: source Republicans slam Biden DHS for starting climate change program as border crisis rages Leaked video shows federal contractors flying migrants to suburban NY: 'Betraying the American people'
  7. Entertainment Joni Mitchell joins Neil Young, ditches Spotify: 'Irresponsible people are spreading lies
  8. 'WE HAVE TO SAVE AMERICA' Live Now WATCH LIVE: Trump addresses supporters at packed Texas rally as 2024 speculation swirls
  9. Joe Biden: Protect Illegal Immigrants, Don’t Make Drunk Driving a Felony https://insidesources.com/joe-biden-protect-illegal-immigrants-dont-make-drunk-driving-a-felony-2/ Democrat who blocked drunk driving bill got a DUI last year https://mynorthwest.com/1369318/dori-timm-ormsby-drunk-driving/
  10. The FACT Fox is willing to listen and CNN is not...
  11. Democrats try to buy votes with water, they stoop to lows to cheat...
  12. For the thousandth time, no one is "mad" at TexasAg1969 and the others. No one is "attacking" them. We're laughing at them. They're getting angry over a candy. We're laughing at their rage. I don't see how that is so hard to understand. And for those that have understood that, and realize they're being ridiculous, the response has been posting unrelated left wing articles, gay jokes, and trying to obscure the whole original conversation. So, no surprise. One group got triggered over a cartoon candy being less sexy. That group is laughable. That's where this ends. That group can flail around about "woke culture" all they want. That doesn't change the fact they got mad over a cartoon candy. 
  13. They're getting angry over alcohol. We're laughing at their rage. I don't see how that is so hard to understand. And for those that have understood that, and realize they're being ridiculous, the response has been posting unrelated left wing articles, gay jokes, and trying to obscure the whole original conversation. So, no surprise. One group got triggered over alcohol being less sexy. That group is laughable. That's where this ends. That group can flail around about "woke culture" all they want. That doesn't change the fact they got mad over alcohol.
  14. BLM'S SECRET MILLIONS Group reportedly buys former home of Communist Party with offshore funds
  15. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/1/28/pennsylvania-court-strikes-down-states-mail-in-voting After Joe Biden won the 2020 US election, Republicans challenged a new state law that had made mail-in voting easier. Democratic Governor Tom Wolf's administration plans to appeal the ruling against mail-in voting to the state Supreme Court [File: Matt Slocum/AP Photo] Published On 28 Jan 202228 Jan 2022 A court in the US state of Pennsylvania sided with Republican legislators on Friday in striking down a state law that had eliminated barriers to voting by mail, raising a question mark about ballot access in the political battleground state ahead of crucial election contests later this year. A five-judge panel agreed with Republicans who had challenged the law, Act 77, saying the state’s constitution required people to vote in person unless they had a specific excuse, such as having a disability or being away from home on Election Day.
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