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Everything posted by Vambo

  1. Politics Soros financially supported group who bailed out attempted murderer
  2. Biden's homelessness czar will only worsen nation's crisis Get ready for a woke approach to a crisis that will only lead to more homeless suffering on our streets https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/biden-homelessness-czar-nation-crisis-jason-rantz It’s safe to assume that Olivet’s heart is in the right place. Like all of us, he wants to solve homelessness. But like so many in the Biden administration, Olivet is obsessed with racial identity politics and is blinded by ideology. The homeless in our country need help. Blaming systemic racism and virtue signaling one’s wokeness won’t end their suffering.
  3. U.S. University slaps down professor's 'progressive stacking' section of syllabus for 'non-white folks' A professor for a sociology course at Binghamton University used her syllabus to tell students that priority is given to "non-white folks" in picking students to call on for classroom discussions. The syllabus was for a course titled "Social Change - Introduction to Sociology," which is being taught this spring by professor Ana Maria Candela. A copy of the syllabus states that the professor practices "progressive stacking" during classroom discussions, adding that "non-white folks" are given priority for being called on. "This means that we try to give priority to non-white folks, to women, and to shy and quiet people who rarely raise their hands," the syllabus read. MASSACHUSETTS UNIVERSITY PROGRAM ASKS WHITE STUDENTS AND FACULTY TO BE 'CO-CONSPIRATORS' IN 'RACIAL JUSTICE' Ana Maria Candela (Binghamton University) The syllabus adds, "It also means that if you are white, male, or someone privileged by the racial and gender structures of our society to have your voice easily voiced and heard, we will often ask you to hold off on your questions or comments to give others priority and will come back to you a bit later or at another time." In explaining the policy, Candela wrote in the syllabus that it is meant to help privileged individuals "hold space" for others who are "less comfortable speaking first." UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO STUDENTS DEMAND SCHOOL GIVE $1 BILLION IN REPARATIONS TO SOUTH SIDE
  4. 'DOWNRIGHT DANGEROUS' Critical race theory is infecting the nation's top medical schools: report Website launched to track critical race theory teaching in higher education
  5. FROM BAD TO WOR$E Biden admin claims inflation going to make an even bigger dent in your wallet OPINION: A Russia-Ukraine war would mean global energy shock
  6. Like the Russian hoax? Four years of conspiracy theories! So, with you believing literally , I guess you'll have to let me know.
  7. How much training do Congress need to be able to write the laws? AOC for example?
  8. WINE & MEDS Dem candidate goes on drunken rampage at pre-teen slumber party+ The report states that Broyles insulted the girls attending the sleepover after becoming intoxicated, according to multiple people interviewed by the news outlet, who said that she allegedly said one girl was an "acne f--ker," and hurled multiple insults at other young girls as well. "Hispanic f--ker," she allegedly said to one girl, and "judgy f--ker," to another. DEM REP. DEFAZIO CAUGHT ON HOT MIC SWEARING AMID GOP SPEECH: 'FU----- A-----' (Abby Broyles for Congress/YouTube) One of the young girls left the room in tears after being insulted by Boyles, according to the report. Broyles also allegedly vomited into a laundry basket as well as a girl's shoe, according to the report.
  9. Harris: Americans will 'incur some costs' from Ukraine crisis as energy costs, inflation soar The comments come as Americans have already seen prices on common good rise thanks to a four-decade high in inflationhttps://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/harris-americans-incur-some-costs-from-ukraine-crisis-energy-inflation-soars
  10. Biden is a fool weak mind person, he has no business with his hand able to hit the nuke buttons...god help us all! Europe on 'verge of war' due to 'fecklessness of Joe Biden'
  11. I try to sleep, they're wide awake, they won't let me alone They don't get paid to take vacations or let me alone They spy on me, I try to hide, they won't let me alone They persecute me, they're the judge and jury all in one Cause they're waiting for me They're looking for me Every single night they're driving me insane Those men inside my brain
  12. U.S. Tennessee woman accused of raping at least 9 students; community shaken by allegations: report
  13. Woody all things circle... circle back circle jerk..
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