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Everything posted by Vambo

  1. Tax the rich equates to tax the poor it will always trickle down in one way or another...so against it.
  2. Those Biden cultists like cccjwh always bring race into everything...he's so stupid he can't define a woman, explains why he dates a mule!
  3. Democrats torn over pushing stolen-election narrative by Alexander Bolton - 01/22/22 5:53 AM ET https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/590873-democrats-torn-over-pushing-stolen-election-narrative/ New Evidence Shows How Russia’s Election Interference Has Gotten More Brazen The Kremlin-linked operation behind 2016 election meddling is using similar tactics for 2020, plus some new ones. March 5, 2020 https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/analysis-opinion/new-evidence-shows-how-russias-election-interference-has-gotten-more ‘Big Lie:’ How Biden and Democrats fuel doubts about the 2024 election by Jonathan Turley, opinion contributor - 01/19/22 10:30 AM ET https://thehill.com/opinion/campaign/590343-the-other-big-lie-how-biden-and-democrats-fuel-doubts-about-the-2024/
  4. Billionaire sex offender Epstein gave heavily to Democrats, until he didn’t https://www.opensecrets.org/news/2018/12/billionaire-sex-offender-epstein-gave-heavily/
  5. Changes to passports are only good if the country you are entering also accept them, if not you will probably be refused entry into their country.
  6. COLOSSAL MIGRANT WAVE Biden's reported plans to lift Title 42 spark new fears of border crisis
  7. il Updated on 1 hour ago Biden administration to release 1M barrels of oil daily from US reserves The national average price of gas is about 62 cents higher than a month ago https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/biden-administration-oil-reserves-release-million-barrels-daily
  8. https://v16-web.tiktokcdn-us.com/video/tos/useast5/tos-useast5-ve-0068c003-tx/d4bc990ffe6a4b1f86fab24891ed8563/?a=1988&br=1034&bt=517&cd=0|0|0|0&ch=0&cr=0&cs=0&dr=0&ds=2&er=&expire=1648764082&ft=XO.bw3E7nz7ThyZhzDXq&l=2022033116003701011313522800CB5632&lr=tiktok_m&mime_type=video_mp4&net=0&pl=0&policy=3&qs=0&rc=amo6Zmc6ZjVrPDMzZzczNEApaDZnOmlmaGUzN2g7NjM4NWcvZ2VhcjRnYy9gLS1kMS9zczJjLzA1MDZiMmE1LjIxM2E6Yw%3D%3D&signature=0655e543088d5998905bcaa4b6f792b7&tk=0&vl=&vr=
  9. Biden accuses Texas of 'attacking' transgender youth for investigating gender procedures on kids
  10. Democrat Politician LEAVES The Party Ahead Of 2022... Becomes A Republican! Lefties SEETHING! Yep!
  11. Democrats say you can choose from day to day whether you're a male or female so...
  12. STAMP OF APPROVAL Biden admin endorses sex-change surgery, hormone therapy for kids The Supreme Court is about to get a justice who goes easy on sexual exploiters of children https://thehill.com/opinion/judiciary/599794-the-supreme-court-is-about-to-get-a-justice-who-goes-easy-on-sexual/
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